Join the African Ombudsman Research Centre (AORC), the research and training arm of the African Ombudsman and Mediators' Association (AOMA), for their insightful webinar on Advocating for Children's Rights in 2025, with a special focus on Specialized Ombudsman Offices for Children. This event, organised in partnership with the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI), will take place on Tuesday, 25 March 2025 at 10 am (GMT+2).
El Síndic de Greuges de Cataluña llevaba pidiendo desde 2018 que se ratificara el Protocolo, dadas las consecuencias negativas que tenía no hacerlo.
Paul Dubé, l’Ombudsman de l’Ontario, a lancé le 28 février 2025 un prix destiné aux organismes du secteur public ayant des pratiques administratives exemplaires – le Prix de l’Ombudsman pour la bonne gouvernance. Des prix seront remis dans le cadre du 50e anniversaire d’Ombudsman Ontario, à des organismes œuvrant dans trois domaines relevant du mandat de l’Ombudsman : organismes gouvernementaux provinciaux, organismes du secteur parapublic (ex. : conseils scolaires, universités et sociétés d’aide à l’enfance) et municipalités.
On 28 February 2025, the Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé announced a new award for public sector bodies that have demonstrated exemplary administrative practices – the Ombudsman’s Award for Good Governance – as part of his office’s 50th anniversary activities. Awards will be given to selected organizations in three areas of the Ombudsman’s mandate – provincial government bodies, broader public sector bodies (e.g., school boards, universities, children’s aid societies), and municipalities, he announced.
Kindly click here to read the oath speech of the new European Ombudsman, Ms Teresa Anjinho.
In the year 2024, the Provincial Ombudsman Khyber Pakhtunkhwa recorded a significant surge in complaints, totaling over 5,348 cases with 4,043 complaints disposal - a notable increase from the previous year. This substantial rise in complaints filed with the Ombudsman Office indicates a growing awareness among the general public about their rights and the available avenues for redress.
Control Yuan (CY) members Lai Chen-Chang and Lin Yu-Jung conducted a circuit supervision and inspection in Kinmen County from January 8 to 10, 2025. In addition to receiving people’s complaints at the County Government’s office, they were briefed by county officials on local administration.
On 26 February 2025, the Veterans Ombud Colonel (Ret’d) Nishika Jardine released a report on Additional Dependant Care, a reimbursement mechanism designed to provide relief for additional dependant care costs incurred by Veterans participating in the Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) Rehabilitation Program. The report found unfairness in the rules for reimbursement that could result in some Veterans not being afforded the same relief as others.
The European Ombudsman has made a series of suggestions to the European Commission to help it monitor EU funds granted to Member States for border management and ensure their use does not result in fundamental rights violations.
Se han producido mejoras estructurales y se han incrementado los recursos específicos, pero también se detectan más necesidades educativas especiales. Hay más equilibrio en la escolarización de estos alumnos, pero, a veces, la atención que se les da no es equiparable a la que se da al resto. En el ámbito del ocio no existe una política sólida que garantice su participación.