The IOI aims at implementing research projects that will become the basis for an intensified exchange of best practices among member institutions that will for the first time have comprehensive data available on other members of the ombudsman community.
Comparative research project on Asian Ombudsman Institutions
The upcoming research project will deal with Asian Ombuds institutions.
Comparative research project: "APOR Ombudsman Institutions"
The IOI General Secretariat commissioned the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights, an independent Austrian research institution, to conduct a comparative research study on the ombudsman offices of the Australasian and Pacific Region. The APOR comparative research project links up with a very successful research project on the European Region conducted by Prof. Kucsko-Stadlmayr. It aims at analysing the legal basis, the legal status as well as the position of ombudsman institutions of the APOR Region within their political systems and societies. In addition, the project focuses on the compliance of the various ombudsman institutions with norms of good administration and international and regional human rights standards, on their accessibility to different societal groups and on their monitoring and data collection mechanisms.
A print version of the study "'Australasia and Pacific Ombudsman Institutions" was published in 2013. It contains a detailed comparative analysis of the ombudsman institutions of the APOR Region. An online access will be available for members soon.
Access to research on European ombudsman institutions
Against the background of this intensified scientific cooperation the IOI General Secretariat is pleased to offer all IOI Members the opportunity of free of charge electronic access to the following publication: Kucsko-Stadlmayer, Gabriele (ed.): "European Ombusman-Institutions. A comparative legal analysis regarding the multifaceted realisation of an idea", Springer Wien New York, 2008. This comparative legal study that was realised by the European region in 2007/2008 and contains well founded information about approaches, assignments and competences of Ombudsman institutions in 49 European states. It can therefore provide a valuable incentive for the status and potential of development of the Ombudsman regime.
For further information please contact the IOI General Secretariat.