IOI – Connecting Public Service
Ombudsmen Globally

The IOI Board of Directors decided at their Board meeting held in The Hague in May 2024 to continue the regional subsidy programme for the membership year 2024/2025. Members wishing to apply for regional subsidies can submit project proposals until 5 August 2024.
El Defensor del Pueblo, Josué Gutiérrez, formuló un llamado a las autoridades del Estado a atender con urgencia las demandas de los pueblos indígenas, de modo tal que se pueda asegurar el acceso oportuno de este sector de la población peruana a servicios básicos como salud, educación, justicia, agua y desagüe, entre otros.
The National Ombudsman of the Netherlands and European Regional President, Reinier van Zutphen, visited Warsaw last week. The aim of the visit was to talk to Frontex. Over the past years there have been many disturbing signals about pushbacks of migrants at the EU borders which sometimes resulted in people dying. Several National Ombudsman have addressed this in their own countries.