Kindly click here to read about the National Ombudsman of the Netherlands and IOI European Regional President Reinier van Zutphen’s visit to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg together with other local ombuds institutions from the Netherlands.
The Czech President sealed the amendment of the Ombudsman Act with his signature. The law will enter into force on 1 July 2025. Thus, the institution of the Children's Ombudsman will be created on that date. Until the election of its representative, the duties will be carried out by the Deputy Ombudsman, Vít Alexander Schorm. The amendment also extends the ombudsman's mandate to include a so-called "National Human Rights Institution" whose aim is to protect and promote human rights in the Czech Republic.
The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman has launched the first phase of an interactive map. This shows the number of complaints closed in 2022-23 for each Local Authority area in Scotland across the sectors it oversees, mapped against measures of deprivation.
On 20 March 2025, the Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman (NIPSO) published the first in a series of Overview Reports which review issues that are creating potential barriers to accessing healthcare. The report ‘Lost in translation’ provides an overview assessment of the provision of Interpretation Services in GP Practices – for patients who are not proficient in English.
The Office of the Ombudsman has asked women running in the September 2025 General Elections to report any forms of injustices faced in the election process. The Director of Investigations and Research, Ms Martha Kwengwere, said this during a two-day capacity building training aimed at empowering female aspirants for the positions of Member of Parliament and Ward Councilors from the Central Region at Sunbird Capital Hotel, Lilongwe.
On 13 March 2025, the Ombudsman, Mr Jack Chan, announced the completion of a direct investigation operation into the Housing Department ("HD")'s handling of illegal parking in public housing estates, and made 12 recommendations for improvement to the HD.
El 18 de marzo de 2025, la síndica de greuges de Cataluña, Esther Giménez-Salinas, acompañada por su adjunto general, Jordi Palou-Loverdos, entregó al presidente del Parlamento catalán, Josep Rull, el Informe anual de la institución correspondiente al año 2024. Este informe concluye que la eficacia de la Administración catalana debe mejorar, y es que la ineficacia genera desconfianza en las instituciones, afecta a la calidad de vida de las personas, amenaza la sostenibilidad del estado del bienestar, frena el ascensor social y obstaculiza el desarrollo económico.
On 13 March 2025, the Danish Parliament elected Christian Britten Lundblad as new Ombudsman. He is succeeding Niels Fenger, who in October 2024 took up a position as judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union. Christian Britten Lundblad will take over as Ombudsman on 1 May 2025 after a period with High Court Judge Henrik Bloch Andersen as temporary Ombudsman.
Le 10 mars 2025, M. Bernhard Achitz a pris ses fonctions de nouveau Secrétaire général de l'Institut International de l'Ombudsman. Il succède à Gaby Schwarz à ce poste important et se réjouit de poursuivre le travail et les services importants que l'IIO fournit à ses membres dans le monde entier. Il remercie Mme Schwarz pour son fort engagement et service à l'IIO.
El 10 de marzo de 2025, el Sr. Bernhard Achitz asumió el cargo de Secretario General del Instituto Internacional del Ombudsman. Sucede a Gaby Schwarz en este cargo y espera continuar con el importante trabajo y los servicios que el IIO presta a sus miembros en todo el mundo. Agradece a la Sra. Schwarz su firme compromiso y servicio al IOI.