Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2022-03-14

    Ombudsman laid the 2021 Annual Report before the Parliament

    On 4 March 2022, Ms. Sabina Aliyeva, the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, spoke in the Parliament, presenting her Annual Report for 2021 on the protection of human rights in the Republic of Azerbaijan. 

  • 2023-01-18

    The Ombudsman's December 2022 News Summary

    The Ombudsman's Office of Latvia has recently published its December 2022 News Summary containing news articles on the Ombudsman's Annual Conference on Human Rights and Good Governance, on the "Annual Award for Supporting People with Disabilities", or the office's support for the establishment of family courts in Latvia.

  • 2023-04-27

    Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary attends NEIWA plenary meeting

    The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary, Dr. Ákos Kozma, took part in the plenary meeting of the Network of European Integrity and Whistleblowing Authorities (NEIWA) in Rome on 23 March 2023.

  • 2024-10-31

    Ombudsperson Schwarz welcomes ACRC representatives for an exchange visit to Vienna

    On 28 October 2024, Gaby Schwarz, Ombudsperson of the Austrian Ombudsman Board and Secretary General of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI), received representatives from the Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission of South Korea (ACRC) for an exchange meeting.

  • 2010-11-10

    Macedonia Ombudsman on his visit to police stations

  • 2011-03-07

    Ethical principles for EU civil servants

    The EU ombudsman recently expressed his intention to draft a statement of ethical principles for EU civil servants. In order to take full account of best practice in the Member States, he sent out a questionnaire to the national Ombudsman institutions in Europe the results of which can now be found online.

  • 2017-08-03

    New Ombudswoman of the City of Gent appointed

    Mrs. Helena Nachtergaele was appointed as the second Ombudswoman of the City of Ghent upon the retirement of Mrs. Rita Passemiers.

  • 2011-03-21

    FRA and European Court of Human Rights launch Handbook on European non-discrimination law

    On 21 March 2011, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the European Court of Human Rights launched a jointly produced Handbook on European non-discrimination law, at a seminar for legal practitioners hosted by the Court, in Strasbourg.

  • 2011-03-21

    the Parliament drafts and debates a new Constitution – changes in the ombudsman system?

    According to the draft the future Hungarian constitution will contain new elements for the ombudsman institution which are both symbolic and substantive.

  • 2011-11-18

    Tender for I.O.I. regional subsidies 2012

    In its efforts to further increase the regional visibility of the I.O.I., the I.O.I. Board of Directors decided at its Zambia meeting in November 2011 to make once again regional subsidies available to its members.

  • 2012-02-03


    The new Act, concerning the organisation of the Office of the Commissioner as well as new investigation methods entered into force on 1st January 2012

  • 2012-04-18

    European LGBT survey launched

    The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has launched the first ever online EU-wide survey to establish an accurate picture of the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people (18 years or older) that will try to capture their experiences.

  • 2012-06-15

    Commissioner for Human Rights lays Annual Report

    Reaching its 10th anniversary in 2012 the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan implemented its activities in the effective cooperation with state agencies, NGOs, mass media, communities as well as international organizations.

  • 2012-06-20

    Update on the situation of antisemitism in the EU

    A new FRA Working Paper includes statistical data on antisemitic incidents collected by supranational, governmental and NGO sources. The update shows that antisemitism remains a problem for civil society as a whole and for Jewish populations in particular across the EU.

  • 2012-06-29

    Participate in Research Project on Role of Complaints in Stimulating Innovation

    In the framework of a joint Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, and Stirling University research project on complaints as a driver of innovation and service improvement in public services the two universities are currently conducting a global scan for interesting examples which could be included in a series of case studies which will be published by NESTA (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts).

  • 2012-08-17

    New Ombudsman

    Mr Colin Neave AM was formally appointed as the Commonwealth Ombudsman on 16 August 2012. Mr Neave's appointment follows an open merit-based selection process, in accordance with the Guidelines established by the Government in 2008. His appointment is for a period of five years commencing on 17 September 2012.

  • 2013-02-07

    training course on effective investigations

    The Forum of Canadian Ombudsman organizes a new training course on "Skills for Effective Investigations". It takes place from 26 to 27 March 2013 in Regina, Canada. The two-day course covers the investigation process from the initial assessment of a case to gathering evidence, analyzing results, writing reports and crafting recommendations.

  • 2013-04-03

    Dedicated cell for overseas Pakistanis established in Wafaqi

    The Secretariat of the Federal Ombudsman (Wafaqi Mohtasib) of Pakistan has established a dedicated cell in the Ombudsman Secretariat to increase relevance of Wafaqi Mohtasib as an instrument of accountability & good governance in Pakistan and provide Pakistanis living abroad a direct, quick and free of charge recourse to the Ombudsman for redressal of their complaints against mal-administration in any government agency.

  • 2013-04-09

    Ombudsman releases 2012 Annual Report

    Iowa Ombudsman Ruth Cooperrider has issued the office’s Annual Report for 2012. The office, situated in the legislative branch, investigates complaints about state and local government agencies.  The office of 15 full-time employees opened 4,498 cases in 2012.

  • 2013-06-12

    Handbook on European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration

    The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published a joint Handbook on European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration on 11 June.

Showing 2021 to 2040 of 5101 entries