Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Local Ombudsman’s role in handling complaints about local police
Publication from the Ombudswoman of the City of Ghent on the role of local Ombudsmen in the handling of complaints about the local police. What type of complaint about local police is brought to the attention of the local Ombudsman and how is this complementary to the internal procedures of the police for dealing with complaints? Ombudswoman Rita Passemiers, attempts to answer these questions, based on her 18 years’ experience as an Ombudsman.
Constitutional Court decides on compulsory hospitalization of incapacitated persons
The Constitutional Court of Ukraine officially published the adopted decision following the constitutional submission of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights concerning compliance of the Constitution of Ukraine of part one of article 13 of the Law of Ukraine "On mental health services".
Ombudsman Hong Kong invites public views on Social Welfare Department’s services for persons with mental health problems
The Ombudsman, Ms Connie Lau, today invited members of the public to provide views and information on the support services offered by the Social Welfare Department (SWD) for persons with mental health problems and their families, carers and neighbours.
Ombudsman Peter Tyndall reminds Leaving Certificate students of their right to complain
Ombudsman Peter Tyndall congratulated students on their results in the Leaving Certificate examinations and reminded them that his Office can independently examine complaints against all public third-level education bodies.
Ombudsman Office participates in project on local integration of refugees
Organized by the Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation (MCIC), the Roma education forum and the EPTISA Consortium, there were several sessions held within the project “Local integration of refugees, internally displaced persons and minorities” which were attended by a representative of the Office of the Ombudsman from the Department for protection of the rights of the children and persons with disabilities.
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman upholds three in four complaints about Home Office
Incorrect decisions, delays and wrong advice are the top reasons for the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman upholding the highest proportion of complaints about the Home Office than any other government department, a report published today reveals.
Commissioner continues awareness events in her capacity as NPM
The Azerbaijani Commissioner for human rights continues her mutual cooperation in the field of legal education and in organizing capacity building seminars about various human rights topics with the Justice Academy under the Ministry of Justice.
Ombudsman Sindh orders Karachi Water & Sewage Board to supply drinking water to the residents of Karachi
Residents of Gulshan-e-Iqbal Karachi were suffering from the acute shortage of safe drinking water for the last one year during which they had no other option but to buy a water tanker to meet their basic need. A complaint to Principla Ombudsman Sindh, Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, for supply of potable water was filed.
Ombudsman office launches mobile application service
The Ombudsman Office as part of its ongoing efforts to enhance communication with the public and to use advanced technology to provide its services, this week the Ombudsman Office launched its official application for iPhone, iPad, and Google Android devices on App Store and Google Play for free.
IOI Secretary General attends HDIM and signs MoU with ODIHR
The IOI Secretary General, Günther Kräuter, attended the Human Dimension Implementation Meeting of the OSCE in Warsaw on 19 September to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).
IOI Secretary General meets with a representative of the Botswana Ombudsman institution
On 27 September, IOI Secretary General Dr. Günther Kräuter used the opportunity of the IOI Workshop for NPMs in Vienna for a special meeting with Ms. Tebogo Titose Mapodisi, Acting Chief Legal Investigator and Head of Regional Office of the Botswana Ombudsman.
Council of Europe publishes report on school segregation
Despite the legislative aim of achieving educational equality, as exists in many European states, some categories of children are excluded from quality education due to the highly selective practices of some education institutions.
Normantas appointed as head of the Seimas Ombudsmen's Office for the second term
The Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania appointed a lawyer, a social scientist and former Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania as head of the Seimas Ombudsmen's Office for the second term of office.
Toronto Ombudsman Looking into the City’s Cold-Weather Services for the Homeless
The City of Toronto’s Ombudsman, Susan Opler, has begun an Enquiry into communication, capacity planning and quality of the winter programs offered to Toronto’s homeless.
Ombudsman Sindh takes action against discrimination in police department
Mr. Haseeb Ahmed approached the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik stating that he was son of a Police Officer who laid down his life in line of duty. He was appointed as Police Constable against shaheed (martyr) quota and was not considered for appointment as Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police, whereas 45 other persons were appointed as ASI under same quota and he was ignored & discriminated. He was eligible to be appointed as ASI as he fulfilled the required qualification. This was a glaring example of discrimination.
Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman Quarterly Bulletin 2018
Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman, Marie Anderson, publishes her second Quarterly Bulletin. This includes reports on complaints about the treatment provided by a GP to a patient with breast cancer, the way a Council dealt with a planning application for a wind turbine, and the care and treatment of patients within two Health Trusts. This edition of the Bulletin also provides a further update on the important work within her Office to prepare for the first ‘own initiative’ investigations and their ongoing research project to explore issues in public sector complaints handling.
AORC Mediation Training for African Ombudsman - Save the Date!
AORC Mediation Training for African Ombudsman Durban, South Africa 11 – 16 March 2019 Save the date! The IOI together with the African Ombudsman Research Centre (AORC) and the African Ombudsman and Mediators Association is offering a mediation training for Ombudsman operating in the African region, in French and English. The training will take place in Durban, South Africa from 11 - 16 March 2019 in Durban, South Africa. Ombudsman are invited to participate and exchange experiences with their colleagues. Save the date! More details on the program and the registration will be brought to you in due course. The preliminary program can be found in the flyers below
Driving Improvements: collaboration and peer learning
The Ombudsman Association’s 2019 Conference on “Driving Improvements: collaboration and peer learning” will be held in Belfast on 21/22 May 2019. Alongside plenary sessions on the need for kindness and emotion in public policy, there will be workshops on the common challenges faced by all Ombudsman schemes.
ODIHR publishes opinion on draft law relating to appointment of Supreme Court judges
Following the appeal of the Public Defender of Georgia, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) published a legal opinion relating to the draft law on the appointment of Supreme Court judges on 17 April 2019.
The Azerbaijani Ombudsman stresses the importance of the media’s role in promoting gender equality
The Azerbaijani Ombudsman participated in the conference jointly organized with the Council of Europe, the Ombudsman Office, the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs and the Press Council on “Gender Equality and Media” devoted to the 70th anniversary of the CoE and the centenary of women’s suffrage in Azerbaijan.