Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Victorian Ombudsman calls for apology law reform
‘Sorry’ seems to be the hardest word: The Victorian Government should consider amending the law to allow public agencies to apologise for mistakes without fear of legal repercussions, according to a new report by the Victorian Ombudsman.
Ombudsman staff attends awareness training on domestic violence
The “Young Citizen” Education Public Union organized a public discussion on “Equal rights and equal opportunities” for eliminating causes of domestic violence (DV), regulating property disputes within family relations, social protection of DV victims and their education in the concerned field.
Ombudsman: Autism Plus and Department of Health failed to protect group home residents
Disability services provider Autism Plus and the Department of Health and Human Services put clients at risk by failing to move a group home resident who was accused of sexually assaulting vulnerable housemates. Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass said the events raised serious concerns about the suitability of Autism Plus to provide programs and care for DHHS clients.
Ombudsman holds events within the framework of a month long campaign on child rights
Within the framework of a month long campaign on children’s rights several events were held over the last months. The most recent one was held in secondary school No.74, where representatives from the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan were also present.
Acting New South Wales Ombudsman releases Child Death Review Team Annual Report 2016-17
The Acting Ombudsman and Convenor of the NSW Child Death Review Team (CDRT), Professor John McMillan AO, tabled the CDRT’s annual report for 2016-17. The work that the CDRT does is focused on one key outcome – to prevent the deaths of children. The report details the degree to which the CDRT’s recommendations to prevent or reduce the likelihood of child deaths have been accepted by government, and the progress being made by agencies to implement them.
Control Yuan urges Executive Yuan to establish comprehensive new immigrant policy
The Control Yuan has called for the Executive Yuan and all government agencies under it to formulate a comprehensive new immigrant policy that is in line with the Constitution and related international human rights conventions and that takes into account demographic trends in the country.
Ombudsman Sindh addresses seminar on „Challenges of Health Care System Sindh“
The Ombudsman Sindh Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik organized a seminar on “Challenges of Health Care System in Sindh – Role of Provincial Ombudsman Sindh” which focused on the existing health facilities, identifying gaps and devising innovative strategies for improved service delivery, effective polio immunization campaign in Sindh Province.
NIPSO investigates complaint against Department for Infrastructure
The Public Services Ombudsman investigated a complaint by Belfast City Airport Watch Limited (BCAWL) regarding the actions of the Department of Environment in relation to George Best Belfast City Airport in failing to enforce the 2008 Planning Agreement between it and the Airport as well as concerning the handling of BCAWL’s complaint by the Department. The Ombudsman identified five instances of maladministration by the Department and made recommendations on the matter.
Ombudsman starts Systemic Investigation regarding Disaster Management Plan
With eyes on the effects in the wake of the hurricanes of September 2017, and considering that in a short four months’ time the next hurricane season will be upon us, the Ombudsman Dr. Nilda Arduin now gears attention to the preparedness of the country for the 2018 hurricane season. The Ombudsman has resolved to conduct a systemic investigation regarding: The state of preparedness of the government of Sint Maarten pursuant to the National Ordinance Disaster Risk Reduction and the Disaster Management Plan.
Ombudsman Hong Kong invites public views implementation of mandatory window inspection scheme
On August 2nd, the Ombudsman, Ms Connie Lau invited members of the public to provide information and views on the implementation of the Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme by the Buildings Department.
Non-smoking unit established in prisons based on the Ombudswoman’s recommendation
A number of convicted non-smokers complained to the Ombudsman that a non-smoking area was no longer delimited in their prison. After the inquiry, the Ombudswoman concluded that the prison made an error when it allowed non-smokers to be regularly exposed to the negative effects of passive smoking. After issuing the inquiry report, the prison established a non-smoking unit for 25 convicts.
QMU online Master’s degree in dispute resolution
Since January 2015 Queen Margaret University (QMU) has delivered an entirely online Master’s Degree in Dispute Resolution. The underpinning philosophy of the course is combining practical experience of dispute resolution with the latest academic thought and research, to provide students with enhanced transferable theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
Human Rights Network of Portuguese Speaking Countries to develop information exchange on citizens' complaints
At the invitation of the Ombudsman of Portugal, Maria Lúcia Amaral, the third meeting of the Network of Ombudsmen, National Commissions for Human Rights and other Human Rights Institutions of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP Human Rights Network) took place on 13 December in Lisbon.
Irish Ombudsman’s Annual Report shows an 11% rise in complaints about Public Services
Speaking at the publication of his annual report for 2018 Mr Tyndall said that the Office of the Ombudsman received more than 3,300 complaints about public services last year. Complaints from the public to Irish Ombudsman and International Ombudsman Institute President Peter Tyndall rose by 11% in 2018.
Special Procedures, Treaty Bodies and the UPR – a connectivity analysis
This policy report calls for a fundamental rethink of the international compliance system: instead of the three main implementation mechanisms being perceived (and, in the case of Treaty Bodies and Special Procedures, perceiving of themselves) as separate, distinct, unconnected and – even – as operating in tension; they should be seen as three complementary parts of a single human rights compliance engine.
State Trustees failed some of Victoria’s vulnerable people
A woman whose life possessions were sent to the tip, an elderly man who had over $2,000 taken from his account to pay for someone else’s fines, and a person whose file was handled by up to 48 different staff in 14 months.These are among the cases reviewed as part of Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass’s Investigation into State Trustees, tabled in the Victorian Parliament this morning.
XVI Baku International Conference of Ombudsmen was held
The XVI Baku International Conference of Ombudsmen was held on “Role of Ombudsmen in Achieving Just Peace and Sustainable Development Goals” by the Ombudsman Institution of Azerbaijan with support of the National Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan for UNESCO on 18-19 June 2019.
FRA’s antisemitism survey dataset now available
The dataset from FRA’s second antisemitism survey is now available for further use by researchers. The dataset contains a wealth of information from over 16,000 Jews in 12 EU Member States about their perceptions and experiences of antisemitism.
Complaints to the Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman rise for third successive year
A report released today has revealed that complaints to the Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman increased by 15% in the last year. During 2018-19 the Office received 762 new complaints. This is the third successive year in which complaints to the Ombudsman have increased.
“Unlawful and wrong” - solitary confinement and isolation of young people in Victorian prison
Children and young people in Victorian prisons and youth justice systems are being damaged rather than rehabilitated through excessive use of isolation and separation, Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass has found.