Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2013-11-29

    Ombudsman’s recommendations on human trafficking accepted

    The Ombudsman of Spain has updated the 2012 monographic report Human Trafficking in Spain, in order to know the status of recommendations made and 71 % of the recommendations included in the Ombudsman of Spain’s report on human trafficking have been accepted.

  • 2014-01-10

    Banking Mohtasib accepted as new IOI member

    The Board of Directors decided that the Banking Mohtasib qualified for Voting membership set out in Article 6 (2) of the IOI By-laws and therefore accepted the Banking Mohtasib as Voting member of the IOI.

  • 2013-12-12

    ECJ rules on discrimination against homosexual employees in a PACS arrangement

    After being refused certain benefits on the ground that they were only granted to employees on the occasion of their marriage under a collective agreement, a French citizen, who had entered into a PACS arrangement (civil solidarity pact), challenged that refusal before the French courts.

  • 2014-03-18

    Own Motion Investigation Report "Let the Whistle Blow"

    On 14 March 2014 the Office of the Complaints Commissioner (OCC) of the Cayman Islands released an own motion investigation report regarding the protection of whistleblowers. The report is the result of an investigation to ascertain whether there are adequate protections or protective measures for reporters of wrongdoing (also known as Whistleblowers) within the Cayman Islands Government - including, but not limited to, legislation, policy, and work culture, custom and practice.

  • 2014-02-21

    Ombudsman hosts ACRC official for fellowship

    The Iowa Office of Ombudsman is again honored to be hosting an official from South Korea’s Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) for a two-year fellowship.

  • 2014-03-26

    Connie Lau Yin-hing new Ombudsman

    On 17 March 2014, the Government of Hong Kong announced the appointment of Ms Connie Lau Yin-hing as the new Ombudsman for a term of five years.

  • 2014-06-12

    SYT training newsletter

    Since 2007, the Ontario Ombudsman has offered Sharpening Your Teeth (SYT) training to investigators, ombudsmen and other professional watchdogs. The course teaches advanced investigation techniques, using the Ontario Ombudsman's proven models for conducting systemic investigations.

  • 2014-07-01

    The AOM welcomes the Ombudsman’s proposal for the setting up of an International Ombudsman Law Institution in Malta

    The General Assembly of the Association of Mediterranean Ombudsmen has welcomed the Maltese Parliamentary Ombudsman's proposal for the setting up of an International Ombudsman Law Institution in Malta, during its session held today in Tirana, Albania.

  • 2014-12-16

    OPCAT Annual Report 2013/2014

    New Zealand’s National Preventive Mechanism released its annual report. This year’s report reveals concerns and highlights improvements identified during individual NPMs’ on-going monitoring visits of detention facilities.

  • 2015-05-04

    The Osgoode/FCO Certificate Essentials for Ombuds

    The Essentials for Ombuds is a five-day intensive training collaboration between the Forum of Canadian Ombudsman and Osgoode Professional Development.

  • 2015-06-01


  • 2015-06-01


  • 2015-07-06

    Federal Ombudsman redresses 152,000 complaints

    The Federal Ombudsman’s office has decided complaints filed by 152,000 Pakistanis living abroad over the past two years and at present there is no complaint pending a decision. Moreover, it has been decided that video link facility will be provided to overseas Pakistanis for the hearing of their complaints.

  • 2015-07-13

    News form the Human Rights Defender

    Prof. Irena Lipowicz, Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Poland, held a meeting with Minister of Justice Mr Borys Budka and met US Special Envoy for Human Rights of LGBT Persons, Mr Randy W. Berry.

  • 2015-07-16

    Reflections from Current Students on the QMU MSc in Dispute Resolution

    Queen Margaret University’s MSc Dispute Resolution – the world’s first masters programme aimed specifically at professional and ombudsman complaint handling staff – launched successfully earlier this year.

  • 2015-07-23

    Study visit of Macedonian delegation at Austrian Ombudsman Board

    A delegation of the Macedonian NPM and the Macedonian Ombudsman visited the Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB) as part of a “Twinning-Light”-Project. The Macedonian Delegation had the chance to learn about the work of the Austrian NPM, when dealing with Asylum-seekers and migrants. The Twinning-Light-Project is co-organised by the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights and co-funded by the EU.

  • 2015-11-13

    IOI welcomes new members

    During its annual meeting, held in Namibia in September 2015, the IOI Board of Directors took decisions on applications for IOI membership and is delighted to welcome five institutions as new Voting members to the IOI family.  

  • 2015-12-03

    11th World Conference 2016 – Save the Date

    The 11th IOI World Conference will be held in Bangkok, Thailand from 13 to 19 November 2016. The Office of the Ombudsman of Thailand will be the host of this quadrennial event which – for the first time – will be held within the Asian Region of the IOI.

  • 2016-01-28

    Follow-up NPM training in Lithuania

    Due to the huge success of the IOI’s first NPM training, we are pleased to inform you that this year will see a follow-up NPM training with a special focus on the monitoring of psychiatric facilities. Hosted by the Seimas Ombudsmen’s Office, the training will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania from 21 to 23 June 2016. Save the date!

  • 2016-04-15

    First Spanish IOI training to be held in Rosario, Argentina from 9 – 10 June 2016

    The IOI is pleased to announce its first training course for a Spanish-speaking audience. This course, which will be hosted by the Defensoría del Pueblo de la Provincia de Santa Fe, will be held from 9 to 10 June 2016 in Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.    

Showing 2361 to 2380 of 5101 entries