Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Dialogue seminar on the role of universities in promoting integrity and fight against corruption
On 19 February 2018 a dialogue seminar was held in the Jordanian Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission on "The Role of Universities in Promoting Integrity and Combating Corruption". During the seminar, the Chairman of the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission, Mohamed Al-Allaf, stressed the importance of the partnership with Jordanian universities and educational bodies in communicating the mission of the Commission in promoting national integrity and combating corruption.
Control Yuan requests Council of Agriculture to improve regulatory mechanism
Climate change has a comprehensive impact on our lives. How to adjust social and economic development models to enable people to adapt to the impacts of climate change has become a major focus. In response to the climate change issue, the Control Yuan urges Council of Agriculture to improve its regulatory mechanism.
Avoidable eye removal surgery after failure to treat infection
A man lost his eye due to NHS failures in treating an eye infection, causing him significant distress and leaving him unable to work or drive. An investigation by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) has found that the failure to diagnose and treat the complainant’s eye infection correctly, meant that it became untreatable and, as a result, he had to have one eye surgically removed.
BC Ombudsperson’s annual report highlights 40-year history of ensuring BC’s most vulnerable are treated fairly
Victoria – British Columbians complained about the two government departments that provide services to some of BC’s most marginalized citizens more often than any other public body last year, according to the BC Ombudsperson’s 40th Annual Report released today.
Challenges to human rights have intensified in Europe
The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, published today her annual activity report covering 2019. The report provides an overall picture of the main problems, challenges and opportunities that European countries are facing in the field of human rights.
Overview of work year 2020 of the Chancellor of Justice now available in English
The Annual Report 2020 of the Chancellor of Justice of Estonia is now available in English. It covers the period from 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2020 and gives an overview of the activities of the Chancellor of Justice in different areas, such as the rule of law, the rights of the child, the rights of persons with disabilities, inspection visits, protection and promotion of human rights, protection of privacy, and many others.
Awareness and consultations on freedom of speech, access to information and safe use of the internet
The Office of the Ombudsman, also the National Human Rights Institution of Samoa, in collaboration with the Samoa Police and Prisons Service and the Office of the Regulator are spearheading efforts to raise community awareness in selected villages regarding the exercise of the freedom of speech and opinion and its limitations and to promote the safe use of technology and social media.
Parliamentary Ombudsman's 2020 Annual Report
Petri Jääskeläinen, the Parliamentary Ombudsman, presented the Parliamentary Ombudsman's Annual Report 2020 to Anu Vehviläinen, Speaker of Parliament, on Thursday 17 June. Like the previous year, a record number of complaints were received in 2020, in total 7,059. This is around 800 (13%) more than in 2019 (6,267).
The Austrian Ombudsman Board participates in the “UN Conference on Human Rights in Vienna 1993 – Strengthening Imperatives 30 Years After”
From 27 – 29 September 2023, the “UN World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna 1993 – Strengthening Imperatives 30 Years After”, organised by the University of Vienna and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Fundamental and Human Rights, took place in Vienna. The Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB), the Public Protector of the Republic of South Africa and the Ombudswoman of the Republic of Croatia were among the many speakers who came together to reiterate the three imperatives of the Vienna Conference 1993: universality, guarantees and democratisation.
Ombudsman institution critical about the process of solving long-lasting problems in the field of environment also at the President’s Forum
On 30 September 2024, the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Nataša Pirc Musar, at Brdo pri Kranju hosted the fourth President’s Forum, in the forefront of which was the right to healthy a living environment. During the debate, Deputy Ombudsman, Dr Dijana Možina Zupanc, emphasised that violations of human rights in this field are ongoing, since every year the institution receives almost 200 complaints, of which approximately one fifth is valid.
Prime Minister replies to the Ombudsman's report on the risk of poverty in Latvia
On 30 November 2012 the Ombudsman of the Republic of Latvia sent a letter to international stakeholders in the field of human rights drawing attention the risk of poverty in Latvia. On 8 March 2013, the Prime Minister of Latvia issued a statement commenting on this topic.
Ombudsman Board presents report on National Preventive Mechanism
The first report of the Austrian Ombudsman Board on the activities of the National Preventive Mechanism 2012 describes the previous activities relative to preventive monitoring and control and provides information about the investigations undertaken in the period under review.
Ombudsman presents English version of annual report 2012
The Office of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Latvia published the English version of its Annual Report 2012. Activities undertaken by the Ombudsman’s Office have been fruitful: 2633 written submissions have been received in 2012, which is by 387 submissions more than in 2011.
Ombudswoman elected member of GANHRI Working Group on Ageing
As one of two representatives of the European Human Rights Institutions, Ombudswoman Lora Vidovic was elected as a member of the GANHRI Working Group on Ageing at the General Meeting of the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI), which she has been chairing since 2016.
First wave of COVID-19 in CHSLDs: The Québec Ombudsman publishes a Progress Report
Learning from the first wave and kicking into action mode. As part of an investigation that will wrap up in the fall of 2021, Québec Ombudsperson Marie Rinfret released her Progress Report on the government’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis in public and private Residential and long-term care centres (CHSLDs) during the first wave of the pandemic.
Ombudsman publishes Annual Report 21/22
The Nova Scotia Ombudsman is pleased to publish the Annual Report, available in French and English, which covers the period of April 1 2021 to March 21 2022.
Ombudsman defends investment on training of staff belonging to Portuguese Language Countries Community
Ombudsman Antónia Florbela Rocha Araújo defended training and technical capacity building of staff belonging to the Portuguese Language Countries Community (CPLP) as a priority, to ensure that institutions, such as the Ombudsman's office can provide a better quality service to citizens.
New EU twinning project with France
The first stage of an EU Twinning project regarding the protection of family, woman and child rights has been launched by the State Committee on Family, Women and Child Issues and the European Union. France is the cooperation partner.
Public Defender’s special statement on situation in penitentiary establishments
In 2020, the Public Defender of Georgia published a special report, in which she talked about the fact that the management model of semi-open establishments was based on informal hierarchy of prisoners, where the so-called "prison watchers" provide fictitious order, which aims to silence prisoners and prevent them from talking about their problems. The publication of this report was followed by public attacks on the Public Defender and illegal actions by the Minister of Justice and the Penitentiary Service. As a result, it has becomedangerous for the representatives of the Public Defender's Office to carry out visits and monitoring at the penitentiary establishments.
Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman)