Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Catalan Ombudsman, Rafael Ribó, gives up his right to parliamentary immunity
The Catalan Ombudsman informed the President of the Parliament of Catalonia, Núria de Gispert, about his decision to give up his right to parliamentary immunity. Such a privilege is granted by Law 36/1985, of 6 November, by which the relations between the Spanish Ombudsman and other similar figures in the different regions are regulated.
Jacques Toubon has been elected as the new Ombudman of the Ombudsman-Institution «Le Défenseur des droits»
Jacques Toubon has been elected as the new Ombudman of the French Ombudsman-Institution «Le Défenseur des droits» for a six year- and non-renewable term on 16th of July 2014. .His nomination follows an approval by the National Assembly and the Senate.
Public Services Ombudsman informs about potential new role in reviewing Scottish Welfare Fund decisions
This month’s edition of news of the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman shed light on the Scottish Government’s intended policy calling for a revised role of the SPSO’s in reviewing SWF decisions.
International Summer Academy on Human Rights
In cooperation with the Council of Europe, the European Training and Research Centre (ETC) will host an International Summer Academy on the topic of “How to manage human rights and the city” in Graz, Austria, from 23 to 27 September 2014.
Education works department completed the school building on the order of Ombudsman
Mr. Haji Ali Khan a villager of District Naushahro Feroze, approached Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, Provincial Ombudsman Sindh for completion of school building in his village.
Federal Ombudsman directs Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences to strengthen Emergency and Out Patient Facilities
On the direction of the Federal Ombudsman, the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) has been advised to institute new measures to strengthen emergency and Out Patient (OPD) facilities in order to cater to heavy patient load.
Correctional Investigator Reports on Overcoming Barriers to Community Reintegration
The 41st Annual Report of the Office of the Correctional Investigator was tabled in Parliament on 08 October 2014. The report contains a special focus on safe and timely community reintegration of federally sentenced offenders.
Western Australian Ombudsman publishes Annual Report 2013/2014
This report describes the functions and operations of the Ombudsman WesternAustralia for the year ending 30 June 2014.
Series on 'Ombudsmen in Latin America'
The 'TPA Initiative' has recently released the series ‘Ombudsmen in Latin America’, which includes three case studies of the Peruvian Ombudsman, the Argentinean Ombudsman and the Uruguayan National Institution of Human Rights.
Ombudsman Office held two-day workshop on "Investigating Serious Incidents"
The Ombudsman Office organized a two-day workshop titled "Investigating Serious Incidents". The workshop was held at the Office's headquarters in the Seef area and was conducted by Pauline McCabe, the former Prisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, and Clare McVeigh, a Senior Investigators in Northern Ireland.
Federal Ombudsman releases Annual Report 2013
The Federal Ombudsman of Belgium released its annual report, according to which the Ombudsman received 6,609 files in 2013, of which 5,242 were complaints and 1,367 requests for information.
Ombudsman orders health authorities to extend medical treatment to the patients of brain tumor and Hepatitis "B"
A complainant approached the Provincial Ombudsman of Sindh, Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, with the complaint that his father suffered from brain tumor and his three brothers were patients of Hepatitis “B”.
Ombudsman Sindh orders education authorities to shift a school to its original location to avoid inconveniences for students
A complainant together with parents of students of a school in Sindh approached the Provincial Ombudsman stating that a school was unjustifiably shifted to a three rooms’ building of a school at a distant place.
Provincial Ombudsman Sindh orders removal of illegal encroachment from Muslim League Quarters
The Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, was approached by citizens that some miscreants had closed the road around Millat Park in Karachi, encroached the park and were using it as dumping ground for old discarded furniture.
Regional Subsidy programme "Challenges of the health care system in Sindh
Due to unavoidable circumstance the submission of project Regional Subsidy programme „Challenges of the health care system in Sindh – Role oft he provincial Ombudsman Sindh“ was delayed which is deeply regretted. It is requested to condone the delay and reconsider this project as it is a vital importance for the improvement of Healthcare Sector in Sindh.
Open letter concerning Mediterranean refugee crisis
The tragic events of the past months where hundreds of people lost their lives in the Mediterranean Sea have filled the world with tremendous shock. Behind this humanitarian disaster lies a deep human rights crisis, where migrants try to flee from war or poverty. The IOI therefore calls on its members in an open letter to encourage their respective governments and administrations to join forces to find solutions for this refugee crisis.
Ombudsman oversight coming soon to municipalities, universities and school boards
The public will be able to complain to the Ontario Ombudsman about school boards as of September 1, 2015, and about municipalities and universities as of January 1, 2016, now that the dates have been proclaimed for the relevant sections of the Ombudsman Act, 1990, the Public Sector and MPP Accountability and Transparency Act is coming into force.
Ombudsman Suggests Improvements to Frontex Operations of Deportation of Foreigners.
The Spanish Ombudsman, Soledad Becerril, has written to the European Ombudsman, Emily O’Reilly, with proposals to improve the operations of deportation of foreigners currently being monitored by European Union Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States (FRONTEX).