Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2018-12-19

    Thai Ombudsman and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan signed Memorandum of Cooperation

    Signing of Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) in the field of ombudsmanship between Thai Ombudsman and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) of Japa.

  • 2019-02-11

    Road collapse in Borba: Ombudsman calls on interested parties to submit compensation claims

    The Ombudsperson, Maria Lúcia Amaral, asks the relatives of the five mortal victims of the collapse of Municipal Highway 255, which took place on November 19, 2018, in the Borba municipality, to file their compensation claims.  

  • 2019-02-25

    Manitoba Ombudsman releases independent investigation reports into the youth justice system

    Manitoba Ombudsman and the Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth conducted a joint investigation into the use of pepper spray and segregation in youth correctional facilities, with each office examining the issues from the perspectives of their distinct mandates.

  • 2019-03-04

    Victorian Ombudsman announces facilities that will be inspected regarding the use of ‘solitary confinement’ and young people

    A multi-disciplinary, multi-agency inspection team led by the Victorian Ombudsman will inspect Port Phillip Prison, Malmsbury Youth Justice Precinct and Secure Welfare Services, looking at practices related to ‘solitary confinement’ on children and young people.

  • 2019-03-13

    Ombudsman discusses peculiarities of treatment of patients with tuberculosis in prisons and mental health institutions

    Augustinas Normantas, Head of the Seimas Ombudsmen's Office and Vytautas Valentinavičius, Head of the Human Rights Division together with Jean-Sébastien Blanc, Director of Thematic Programmes of the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT), accredited to the United Nations, discussed the peculiarities of treatment of patients with tuberculosis in prisons and mental health institutions.

  • 2019-03-19

    English summary of 2017-2018 overview of the Chancellor of Justice activities now available

    The Annual Report 2017-2018 covers the period from 1 September 2017 to 31 August 2018. The report has been published in a new web form and it includes information on children's rights, inspection visits, local authorities, equal treatment, courts and many other topics.

  • 2019-04-08

    Ombudsman actively advocates for recognition of normative basis of reproductive health and rights

    Azerbaijani Ombudsman’s Office has been cooperating with the UNFPA Azerbaijan from the beginning of its establishment. In 2015, in the frame of this cooperation it was started to assess the country’s progress in implementing treaty body recommendations on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).

  • 2019-04-15

    Venice Principles on Ombudsman institutions now also available in Italian

    On 15 March 2019, the “Principles on the Protection and Promotion of the Ombudsman Institution”, (“The Venice Principles”) were adopted by the Venice Commission. A translation of the text into Italian has been made available by the Office of the Ombudsman of the Autonomous Province of Trento a (Italy).

  • 2019-04-29

    NIPSO publishes first Case Digest for spring 2019

    Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman (NIPSO) Marie Anderson presents the Office’s first Case Digest, providing summaries of a number of recent complaints received by the Office. It reflects the varied nature of the cases NIPSO deals with and the range of outcomes which can follow either an initial assessment or a full investigation. 

  • 2019-06-13

    Queensland Ombudsman releases new language resource to improve knowledge about the office

    The Queensland Ombudsman has released a new information resource to help improve community knowledge about the function of the Office. The new product outlines the role of the Office in 14 community languages and provides information about using the BrowseAloud tool on our website.  

  • 2019-05-24

    IOI Board Meeting held in Mérida, Mexico

    The annual IOI Board Meeting was held from 14 – 17 May 2018 in Mérida, Mexico. Raúl González Pérez, Mexican Ombudsman and President of the Mexican National Human Rights Commission, and his office generously hosted the event.

  • 2019-07-18

    Chinese version of IOI publication “A Mission for Justice”

    In commemoration of its 40th anniversary, the IOI published a book to portray the history of the IOI. The lively and vivid assessment of the IOI’s development has now been made available in a Chinese version to attract a broader audience.  

  • 2019-07-30

    Cooperation between the Parliamentary Ombudsman and the Spanish Defensor del Pueblo to reunite unaccompanied minor with family

    The Office of the Ombudsman of Malta received a request for cooperation from the Office of the Spanish Defensor Del Pueblo concerning an unaccompanied minor who was given shelter in Malta after departing from Libya, and who claimed to have been separated from his family who were residing in a centre in Malaga.

  • 2019-09-05

    AOMA condemns xenophobic violence against migrant African-owned businesses in South Africa

    The African Ombudsman and Mediators Association (AOMA) expresses its concern over the ongoing xenophobic attacks in South Africa, where widespread looting and torching of foreign-owned African shops have been reported in Johannesburg and in Pretoria a few days earlier. AOMA urges the use of diplomatic channels by African governments in finding a workable solution for all citizens of Africa affected by the violence. 

  • 2019-09-09

    Council of Europe presents highlights 2018

    Today’s most pressing undemocratic trends resurfacing in many parts of Europe concern freedom of expression, the independence of the judiciary, the impact of artificial intelligence on human rights and discrimination against vulnerable people. The “Council of Europe Highlights 2018” show how diverse bodies of the Council of Europe, in cooperation with its member states, worked throughout the past year to tackle them, with the aim of making Europe a safer and more democratic place for everybody.

  • 2019-10-28

    CoE Lanzarote Convention was ratified by Azerbaijan

    The Council of Europe Convention on Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, also known as “the Lanzarote Convention” was ratified by the Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Ombudsman of Azerbaijan addressed a letter to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan thanking him for his initiative regarding the ratification.   

  • 2019-12-16

    Ombudsman hosts 2nd Istanbul International Ombudsman Conference

    The Ombudsman Institution of Turkey was pleased to have successfully hosted the “2nd Istanbul International Ombudsman Conference”, which took place from 18 – 19 November 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey, which brought together around 150 participants from 57 countries of different continents, representing various national and international Ombudsman institutions as well as Human Rights Commissions.

  • 2020-01-27

    Legal standards of Human Rights Defender as NPM published in English

    The legal standards of the Human Rights Defender as the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) were published in Armenian and English. This document illustrates the jurisprudence in the field of torture prevention and will become an educational material in universities and during training courses on the protection of the rights of persons deprived of their liberty organized for law enforcement officers and civil servants.

  • 2020-02-13

    Integrity doesn’t stop at the border

    A Memorandum of Understanding signed this week sets out how the New Zealand and Thai Ombudsmen will work together for good governance, integrity and human rights across the Asia and Pacific regions.

  • 2020-02-28

    Ombudsman’s representatives conducted monitoring of clinical hospital of the Armed Forces

    The head of the sector for the Protection of the Rights of Military Servants of the Ombudsman Office, Fazail Hasanov and the Chief Advisor of this Sector, Adil Hajiyev visited jointly with the representative of the Ministry of Defense the main clinical hospital of the Armed Forces.

Showing 2841 to 2860 of 5101 entries