Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2018-01-09

    Control Yuan conducts annual review of Executive Yuan and urges various improvements

    Control Yuan President Chang Po-ya led Control Yuan members on a visit to the Executive Yuan for an annual review of the executive branch of government on 26 December 2017. The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Justice and Ministry of the Interior and their subordinate agencies received the most corrective measures at 13 each, followed by the Ministry of Education and its subordinate agencies at 12 corrective measures.

  • 2018-01-30

    Record number of complaints received by the Finnish Parliamentary Ombudsman in 2017

    In 2017, the Parliamentary Ombudsman received a record number of 6,192 complaints, which is an increase of almost 1,300 complaints from 2016 (4,922 complaints). Complaints against the Social Insurance Institution (Kela) totalled 1,169, and 814 of them concerned social assistance, therefore increasing by about 700 compared to 2016. The criminal sanctions field, social insurance and labour and unemployment security were other administrative branches that saw a clear increase in the number of complaints.  

  • 2018-04-12

    Amendments to the Law on Mental Health Care at the attention of the Seimas Ombudsmen

    At the meeting with experts on human rights and mental health, the Seimas Ombudsmen Augustinas Normantas and Raimondas Šukys discussed the conformity of the amendments to the Law Mental Health Care with the international obligations of the country in the field of human rights.

  • 2018-04-27

    South Korean Gender Equality and Family Committee delegation visits Control Yuan

    A delegation of the South Korean National Assembly's Committee for Gender Equality and Family visited the Control Yuan on March 30. The two sides engaged in open and friendly exchanges of views on a range of topics, including women’s political participation as well as the supervision of government. The visiting dignitaries praised the Control Yuan’s balanced gender ratio after President Chang explained that 14 of the CY’s 29 members, half of its directors and more than half of its employees are female.

  • 2018-06-26

    Queensland Ombudsman presents Indigenous birth registration report

    The Queensland Ombudsman’s report, The Indigenous birth registration report: An investigation into the under-registration of Indigenous births in Queensland, was tabled by the Honourable Curtis Pitt MP, Speaker of the Queensland Parliament to highlight the significant restrictions to participating in society a person faces when their birth has not been registered.

  • 2018-09-19

    Investigations up for Victorian Ombudsman

    In her annual report released today, 19 of September 2019, the Victorian Ombudsman said it was encouraging that of the 119 recommendations she made to state and local government over the 12-month period, 98 per cent were accepted.

  • 2018-10-23

    Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission refers the file of Al-Bashir Hospital to the prosecution

    The Board of the Jordanian Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission (JIACC) referred to the Public Prosecution the investigation file related to the services of Al-Bashir Hospital, where investigations showed a number of suspicions of corruption and financial, administrative and legal violations involving public money.

  • 2018-11-14

    Ombudsman Hong Kong announces result of direct investigation

    The Ombudsman, Ms Connie Lau, announced last Wednesday, 14th of November, the completion of a direct investigation into the regulation of illegal burials outside permitted burial grounds (burials outside PBGs) by the Home Affairs Department and the Lands Department.

  • 2019-01-30

    Do children have the right to health in psychiatric hospitals?

    In 2018 Ombudsman of the Republic of Latvia monitored all six hospitals in Latvia, where in-patient psychiatric treatment of children is provided. During these monitoring visits Ombudsman examined treatment and other conditions of children in these hospitals.  

  • 2019-01-30

    Ombudsmen of the Kingdom of the Netherlands discussed their agenda at annual meeting

    Annually the Ombudsman meet to discuss developments within the Kingdom and share best practices. This time the meeting took place on Saba, a small island which is part of the Dutch Caribbean.  

  • 2019-02-11

    Ombud New Brunswick releases findings on investigation into allegations of patient mistreatment at Restigouche Hospital Centre

    Ombud, Charles Murray, released last Thursday, 7th of February, findings of his office’s probe into complaints of mistreatment of patients at the Restigouche Hospital Centre in Campbellton, caused in part by chronic understaffing.

  • 2019-02-18

    Constitutional Court recognized automatic deprivation of means of communication in disciplinary cells unconstitutional

    The Constitutional Court recognized unconstitutional the legal regulations stating the automatic (by default) deprivation of the contact with outside world of detainees and convicted persons transferred to the disciplinary cell, based on the application submitted by the Human Rights Defender. The Court stated June 5, 2019 as a deadline for the National Assembly and the Government, giving a possibility to correspond the challenged provisions to the requirements of the decision, otherwise they will be declared repealed.

  • 2019-03-11

    Review of school leaving examinations will become more transparent

    In recent years, the Czech Ombudsman repeatedly warned about shortcomings in the procedure of the Ministry of Education (hereinafter “the Ministry”) in reviewing the results of school-leaving examinations (the “maturita” exam used in numerous types of secondary schools). Based on the Ombudsman’s comments, the Ministry has amended the so-called “maturita decree” and modified certain procedures and forms so that the students would now have better information on where and how to lodge a complaint.

  • 2019-06-06

    Council of Europe publishes Antirumours Handbook

    This handbook is a practice-oriented sequel of the “Cities Free of Rumours” Guide published in 2015 by the Council of Europe. The lessons learned in recent years coupled with the growth in the number of cities that have joined the ARS and the interest it has generated since then, call for an update and further systematization of the antirumours approach and methodology. The handbook also provides practical examples to help and inspire cities and other stakeholders interested in learning more about this initiative and how to put it into practice.

  • 2019-06-21

    Ombudsman Montreal files Annual Report 2018 with Montreal City Council

    The Ombudsman of Montréal (OdM), Johanne Savard, filed the 15th Annual Report (2018) of their institution. This report includes statistical and general information on the activities of the Ombudsman, examples of files that were handled as well as information on the role and mandate of the office of the Ombudsman. Part 4 of the report is particularly interesting: it provides an overview of all the 2018 OdM interventions for each entity over which the Ombudsman has jurisdiction.

  • 2019-07-15

    Office of the Ombudsman and Anti-Corruption Commission sign memorandum of understanding

    The Ombudsman of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Leon Jenkins-Johnston Esq. and the Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission Francis Ben-Kaifala Esq. have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on behalf of the two institutions. The aim of the MOU is to foster collaboration among the two institutions in the fight against Corruption, Administrative Injustice and Maladministration in the Public service.

  • 2019-08-27

    Ombudsman engages Sierra Leone police

    The Ombudsman of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Leon Jenkins-Johnston esq. and team from the Office of the Ombudsman has engaged Senior Police officers at various divisions in the western Area. The engagement is part of the ongoing sensitization drive that the ombudsman started few months ago to meet with MDA’s.

  • 2019-09-04

    How do complaints affect those complained about?

    Research into the effects of complaints on public service employees was carried out by Dr Chris Gill (University of Glasgow) and Carolyn Hirst (Hirstworks), in partnership with Queen Margaret University and the University of West of Scotland. The findings of the original research contributed to the production of “Being Complained About – Good Practice Guidelines”, a document which aims to improve the way in which organisations handle complaints by focusing on supporting staff members who have been complained about.

  • 2020-05-25

    Irish Ombudsman receives highest number of complaints in 10 years

    Complaints to the Ombudsman rose by 9% to 3,664 in 2019. It is the highest number of complaints received by the Ombudsman since 2010. Ombudsman Peter Tyndall examines complaints about public services, such as those provided by government departments, local authorities and the HSE.

  • 2020-06-17

    Ombudsman Institution publishes Annual Report 2019

    The Ombudsperson's Annual Report, in the spirit of the principles democracy, protection of human rights and rule of law as well as the constitutional and legal mandate, aims to provide a general overview of the challenges in the human rights protection system in the Republic of Kosovo. With particular emphasis on the issues of systematic problems in all three pillars of the power: in legislature, in executive and judiciary, with a strong believe that in this way this Report will serve also as a tool for strengthening democracy in the country.

Showing 3041 to 3060 of 5106 entries