Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2020-08-31

    GC Classroom High-Level Panel_7 September 2020.pdf

  • 2024-03-08

    High Commissioner Volker Türk updated Human Rights Council.JPG

  • 2011-07-05

    Alima Déborah TRAORE new Ombudsperson

    On 22 June 2011, the President of Faso has nominated Alima Déborah Traore as the new Ombudsperson, after her predecessor, Amina Ouedraogo, retired. Alima Traore is an expert in public law and the relations between the public administration and the citizens.

  • 2011-06-30

    Vienna City Council discussed 2010 AOB report

    Seven of Austria's nine provinces have mandated the Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB) with monitoring the entire provincial and municipal administration. The AOB therefore submits an annual report to the National and the Federal Council on the Federal administration but also reports regularly to those seven provincial parliaments in which it also controls the provincial and municipal authorities.

  • 2012-02-16


    The research report "Electronic petitions and modernisation of petitioning systems in Europe" based on a project carried out on behalf of the Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag by TAB (Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag) was recently published.

  • 2015-02-17

    Appointment of the new Ombudsman

    Advocate Leshele Abel Thoahlane KC has been appointed as the new Ombudsman effective from the 2nd February 2015. This comes after Advocate ‘Neile Alina‘Matsoana Fanana KC contract expired on the 31st November, 2014.

  • 2015-08-18

    Federal Ombudsman takes Suo-Moto Notice of the Plight of Pensioners

    Mal-administration in payment of pension is a perennial problem affecting millions in this country. Employees in old age have to run from pillar to post. In recent years the Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan has provided relief to thousands who approached the office.

  • 2017-05-23

    Signing of Memorandum of Understanding with FCO

    On 16 May 2017 IOI President Peter Tyndall and the President of the Forum of Canadian Ombudsman (FCO), Ms Nora Farrell signed a Memorandum of Understanding by which both organisations express their willingness to strongly cooperate in the future.President Tyndall further took the opportunity of his stay to visit the Toronto Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario.

  • 2018-03-19

    General Inspection Organization fosters bilateral cooperation

    With a view to foster the bilateral relationship and cooperation, Justice Naser Seraj, President of the General Inspection Organization (GIO) of the Islamic Republic of Iran hosted a delegation from the Turkish Ombudsman’s Office and visited his colleague, Mr Ken Sanuki, in Japan.

  • 2018-11-28

    Children’s Advocate appointed

    The Ombudsman of Namibia announced the appointment of Ms Ingrid Husselmann as the Deputy Chief, effective 1 November 2018. As the Deputy Chief, Ms Husselmann will lead and oversee the operational management of the Division: Human Rights and Legal services. She will also serve as the Children’s Advocate in the Office of the Ombudsman.

  • 2019-04-23

    Ombudsman and GIV to form bilateral MOU and the ASEAN Ombudsman Forum (AOF)

    On 5 – 7 March 2019, a delegation from the Thai Ombudsman office, headed by Mr. Raksagecha Chaechai, Secretary-General, went on a working visit to Hanoi, Vietnam, and met with key officials of the Government Inspectorate of Vietnam (GIV), fellow Ombudsman colleague in another member State of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

  • 2020-04-06

    Human Rights Defender’s legal position of draft laws restricting the privacy of correspondence and other rights

    The Human Rights Defender examined the Draft Laws on Making Supplements to the Law on the State of Emergency and on Making Supplements to the Law on Electronic Communication in an urgent manner.

  • 2020-07-07

    Human Rights Ombudsman presents Annual Report 2019

    The Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina tabled its Annual Report on the results of the activities of the independet instution.

  • 2020-11-09

    Ombudsman Peter Tyndall participates in '25 Years of the European Ombudsman' digital conference

    On 26 October the European Ombudsman marked its 25th anniversary with a digital conference on the evolving role of the office. European Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly, and a panel of speakers, explored how best to monitor the EU administration as it deals with major current and future challenges.

  • 2021-11-19

    Appointment of the new Thai Ombudsman

    On 7 November 2021, the Royal Proclamation announced the appointment of Mr. Songsak Saicheua as the Ombudsman of Thailand in replacement of Mr. Boon Tapanadul who vacated his seat.  Mr. Songsak Saicheua will serve a seven-year term from the date of appointment according to section 17 of the Organic Act on Ombudsmen B.E. 2560 (2017) .

  • 2022-11-11

    Mr Laurence Riley commences as Assistant Ombudsman Aboriginal Engagement and Collaboration

    Chris Field, President of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) and Western Australian Ombudsman, appointed Mr Laurence Riley as Assistant Ombudsman Aboriginal Engagement and Collaboration in the Office of the Ombudsman of Western Australia.

  • 2023-11-16

    Commissioner Chan Tsz King Meets Prosecutor Delegation of Indonesia

    On 3 November 2023, the Commissioner Against Corruption, Chan Tsz King, met with the visiting prosecutor delegation of Indonesia at the headquarters of the CCAC to exchange views on law enforcement work related to anti-corruption criminal cases, among other things.

  • 2021-07-16

    Proposed amendments to the Law on the Legal Status of Aliens equated with legalization of human rights violations

    Seimas Ombudswoman Milda Vainiutė urged the authorities not to adopt amendments to the Republic of Lithuania Law on the Legal Status of Aliens, that would allow human rights violations and pose a threat to vulnerable migrants. After presenting the assessment of the proposed legal regulation, the Seimas Ombudswoman acknowledged that the draft law contradicts not only human rights, but also Lithuania’s international obligations.

  • 2017-10-12

    Ombudsman Hong Kong hosted 21st Presentation Ceremony of the Ombudsman’s Awards

    The Ombudsman of Hong Kong, Ms Connie Lau, hosted the 21st Presentation Ceremony of The Ombudsman’s Awards on 11 October 2017. At the Ceremony, she encouraged tripartite co-operation among the Office of the Ombudsman, members of the public and organisations under complaint to bring about further enhancement in the quality and efficiency of public administration through the lodging and handling of complaints.

Showing 681 to 700 of 5101 entries