Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2013-05-31

    NSW Ombudsman tables report on HSC disability provisions

    The NSW Ombudsman, Bruce Barbour, tabled a report to Parliament today outlining his findings and recommendations following an investigation into the current system for making HSC disability provisions applications.

  • 2015-12-02

    Veterans Ombudsman urges more Information to on disability benefit decisions

    Veterans Ombudsman Guy Parent released today an assessment of Veterans Affairs Canada’s implementation of the eight recommendations put forth in his 2011 report on “Veterans’ Right to Know Reasons for Decisions: A Matter of Procedural Fairness” and in his 2012 report on “Veterans’ Right to Disclosure: A Matter of Procedural Fairness”. The two reports identified areas of improvement needed to ensure transparency and fairness in Veterans Affairs Canada’s disability application and adjudication process.

  • 2016-03-14

    Correctional Investigator Reflects on Key Challenges in his latest Annual Report to Parliament

    Ottawa, March 10, 2016 – The 42nd Annual Report of the Office of the Correctional Investigator was tabled today in Parliament. The Correctional Investigator, Mr. Howard Sapers, used this opportunity to take stock of the current state of corrections in Canada and highlight some important challenges.

  • 2016-11-08

    Correctional Investigator concerned by rising use of force incidents involving inflammatory agents

    Ottawa, October 31, 2016 – The 43rd Annual Report of the Office of the Correctional Investigator was tabled today in Parliament. The report documents that security incidents in federal prisons involving inflammatory agents, primarily Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) or pepper spray, has tripled since 2011/12.

  • 2019-10-02

    Control Yuan conducts investigation on homecare workers forced to donate part of their pay

    In August 2017, a group of 18 homecare workers hired by the privately-run Ching-Kuan Social Welfare Charity Foundation accused the foundation of unlawfully forcing them to return part of their pay. The foundation was commissioned by Tainan City Government to provide home care services during the period from 2013 to 2015. To safeguard the rights of these workers, the Control Yuan (CY) of Taiwan launched an investigation into the case.

  • 2020-07-21

    Ombudsman of Israel presents Annual Report 2019

    On June 30 the Ombudsman of Israel, Mr. Matanyahu Englman, submitted to the Israeli Parliament (the Knesset) Annual Report 46 of the Office of the Ombudsman for the year 2019.

  • 2023-05-15

    International Ombudsman Institute holds Board Meeting in Vienna

    The Board of Directors of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) held its annual meeting from 7 – 11 May 2023. Together with IOI President Chris Field, Ombudsperson and IOI Secretary General Gaby Schwarz welcomed colleagues from around the world at the premises of the Austrian Ombudsman Board in Vienna.

  • 2024-05-03

    BC Ombudsperson sees youth in custody at risk due to ministry inaction

    The BC Ombudsperson has identified a serious lack of progress by the Ministry of Children and Family Development on a 2021 Ombudsperson report with troubling findings about separate confinement of youth in custody centres. “The ministry’s inaction continues to expose vulnerable youth in its care to the risk of significant harm from separate confinement, especially Indigenous youth,” said Ombudsperson Jay Chalke.

  • 2025-02-13

    Poldershop on EU migration pact

    Several ombudsmen and their staff gathered in Brussels on 5 and 6 February in a Poldershop to discuss the migration pact that has to be implemented in the European Union by the summer of 2026.

  • 2019-06-11

    Ombudsman publishes Annual Report 2018

    In 2018, the Ombudsman's Office received a total of 48,129 requests through the various channels available to citizens, including 36,111 entries of complaints and other communications. During the year, 9338 new procedures were instituted, five of them from the Ombudsman's initiative, which translates into an increase in the handling of complaints of 20% over the previous year.

  • 2021-02-26

    Annual Report – a strong year in a time of crisis

    Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier says holding government to account is never more important than in a time of crisis. Mr Boshier says the highlight of the year ending 30 June 2020 was managing a busy, and expanding, programme of work, while providing independent oversight of the impact of government actions to combat COVID-19.

  • 2011-07-01

    Preparations for next Board meeting in Livingstone start

    The I.O.I. Board of Directors meets on an annual basis not only to perform the necessary officer elections but to take strategic decisions on future I.O.I. priorities and projects. Following a decision made by the Board in October 2010, the annual meeting of the I.O.I. Board of Directors 2011 will be held in Livingstone, Zambia.

  • 2012-11-29

    Focus on Children's Rights

    As part of a project which has been running since his entering upon duties, Ombudsman Máté Szabó will explore the issue of children’s right to a healthy environment in 2013

  • 2015-09-24

    Board of Directors holds annual meeting in Namibia

    The IOI Board of Directors held its annual meeting in Windhoek from 21 to 23 September 2015. The Office of IOI President and Namibia Ombudsman John R. Walters hosted this event and welcomed the members of the Board in Namibia.

  • 2017-04-28

    Annual meeting of IOI Board of Directors held in Vienna

    From 26 – 28 April 2017 the IOI Board of Directors held its annual meeting at the premises of the IOI General Secretariat in Vienna (Austria). In total 19 out of 21 Directors attended this very productive meeting to identify and discuss projects and priorities for the upcoming membership year.

  • 2021-05-06

    Skúli Magnússon elected new Parliamentary Ombudsman of Iceland

    On April 26, the Althingi, the Parliament of Iceland, elected Skúli Magnússon, President of the District Court of Reykjavik, as the Parliamentary Ombudsman.

  • 2021-09-16

    GANHRI 2020 Annual Report: A year in review

    During COVID-19, NHRIs have played a vital role to support national health responses, as well as defend those most at risk of human rights violations. In the face of hard lockdowns and other restrictions, they have been strong advocates for the rule of law.

  • 2014-07-29

    The Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights comments on Istanbul Convention on combating violence against women

    On August 1, the Istanbul Convention, a landmark treaty of the Council of Europe dedicated to preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, will enter into force.

  • 2014-10-13

    President addresses seminar on "Role of Ombudsman Excesses against Women (Karo Kari) & Children"

    Pakistan is one of the countries in the Asian Region to have taken the initiative to establish institutional arrangements for tackling Women & Children related issues.

  • 2015-06-23

    National Commissioner holds event with UNICEF on world day against child labour

    In order to create awareness and to bring the issue of child labour on our national agenda, the Office of the National Commissioner for Children in the Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan Secretariat with the help of UNICEF organized a major event at Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA) on Tuesday, 23.06.  

Showing 821 to 840 of 5101 entries