Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Ombudsperson welcomes Premier’s apology to Doukhobors and commitment to work with community on compensation package
BC’s Ombudsperson is pleased government has finally apologized for the detention of Doukhobor children in the 1950s and welcomed the Premier’s commitment to further work with the Doukhobor community on the compensation package.
President Walters welcomes re-launch of IOI website
Regarding the IOI’s future communication strategy, the IOI Board of Directors agreed at its Vienna meeting in October 2014 that a re-launch of the IOI website was long overdue and should become the main priority of the IOI’s public relations work. IOI President John R. Walters is pleased to present the IOI’s new web appearance to the IOI community!
Handover procedure between former Ombudsman Kurteshi and recently elected Ombudsman Jashari
Handing over procedure of responsibilities between former Ombudsman Mr Sami Kurteshi and newly elected Ombudsman, Mr Hilmi Jashari, took place on 6 July 2015. After the formal ceremony organized on this occasion within the Ombudsman Institution’s Headquarter, Mr Jashari and Mr Kurteshi addressed to the media with their statements.
Ombudsman reports on first year of expanded mandate
Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé has released the first annual report of his office’s new, expanded mandate, which was doubled in the past year to include more than 1,000 public sector organizations – provincial government bodies, municipalities, universities and school boards.
Ombudsman Office Measures - COVID-19
Following the difficult extraordinary circumstances due to the novel coronavirus COVID-19 which has internationally widespread very quickly, the Kingdom of Bahrain and its service-provider entities has taken various significant measures in order to combat and mitigate the virus while ensuring a smooth workflow in this extraordinary situation. The solidarity and efforts of the local and the international communities can overcome such difficult times.
IBAC and Ombudsman to collaborate on investigation into allegations of branch stacking, misconduct and other matters
Victoria’s integrity agencies, the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission and the Victorian Ombudsman will pool their expertise to investigate alleged serious misconduct and corruption involving Victorian public officers.
AROC Webinar on complaint handling
In an ongoing needs assessment, the African Ombudsman Research Center (AORC) has identified complaint handling as one of the training priorities required by African Ombudsman. In responding to this need, AORC will offer a webinar on “Complaint Handling” for African Ombudsman and their staff on 8 March 2022. Save the date.
Lack of cross-government ownership a major barrier, warns disability rights report
The Independent Monitoring Mechanism (IMM) released its third general update - Disability Rights: How is New Zealand doing, Ngā Motika Hauātanga: Kei te pēhea a Aotearoa? - a review of progress in implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Disability Convention), which New Zealand ratified in 2008.
The Ombudsman Commission Appears Before the Committee on Constitutional Laws and Acts and Subordinate Legislation
On 22 March 2023, the Chief Ombudsman appeared before the Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Laws and Acts and Subordinate Legislation in order to explain specific matters with regard to its Legislative Review Project.
Taxpayers' Ombudsperson releases 2023–2024 Annual Report
Canada’s Taxpayers’ Ombudsperson, Mr. François Boileau, released his annual report, Fair Access to Service, which was tabled on 8 October 2024 in the House of Commons by Ms. Iqra Khalid, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Revenue. The report provides an overview of the activities of the Office of the Taxpayers’ Ombudsperson between April 1, 2023, and March 31, 2024.
Occasional Papers (1979-2008)
The International Ombudsman Institute's Occasional Paper Series were published frequently between 1979 and 2008. The papers are available online.
Los defensores de la infancia europeos reclaman un plan integral de urgencia para proteger a los niños refugiados
Un informe de la red de defensores de los derechos de los niños (European Netzwork of Ombudspersons for Children, ENOC) alerta de que los niños en tránsito están en grave peligro de sufrir abusos, ser separados de sus progenitores, sufrir enfermedades y morir. El documento recomienda que se dé prioridad a los niños a la hora de reubicar en toda Europa a las 160.000 personas que ha aprobado la CE. El Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya, como miembro del grupo de trabajo, la necesidad de que la Administración aplique el interés superior del niño en relación con la práctica de pruebas de edad a los adolescentes refugiados.
ACRC advocates for easier access to residence in public rental housing for day laborers at small-scale construction sites
The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission recommended the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport to include day laborers at construction sites in the list of those eligible for additional points when selecting tenants of public rental housing in cases where they have worked as day laborers in the construction industry for at least one year, even if they have not put money aside for a deductible fund.
Ombudsman Hong Kong investigates Government regulation of boarding facilities for foreign domestic helpers
The Ombudsman, Ms Winnie Chiu, today (17 February) announced the completion of a direct investigation into the Government's regulation of boarding facilities for foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) and made altogether 10 recommendations for improvement to the Labour Department (LD), the Home Affairs Department (HAD) and the Immigration Department (ImmD).
Commissioner for Human rights approved plan for realization of national strategy in the field of human rights
The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Ms.Valeriya Lutkovska approved the Plan of measures for realization of the National strategy in the field of human rights for the period till 2020 and continuous pro-active monitoring by employees of the Secretariat of the Commissioner of a state of fulfillment of the National strategy by the appropriate government bodies is introduced.
2016 Evaluation - a year’s activity by the Office of the Ombudsman
The Ombudsman of Spain (Defensor del Pueblo) reports on the Office’s activities in 2016 which – among other things – include the facilitated access to the Ombudsman’s services and statistics about the Office’s complaint handling as well as relevant undertakings and recommendations.
How privatisation affects ombudsmen - interview with IOI 2nd Vice-President Peter Tyndall
One of the core issues for the IOI is to ensure access to independent redress mechanisms for people using public services. As many public services are being privatised, the responsibility for running them has increasingly been transferred to the private sector, which has had consequences for the work of ombudsmen worldwide.
Ombudsman probes Transport Department’s arrangements for driving tests
On 18 May 2023, the Ombudsman, Ms Winnie Chiu, announced the launch of a direct investigation to examine the driving test arrangements of the Transport Department (“TD”). The Office has received 40 complaints related to driving tests, involving such issues as candidates’ discontent about the waiting time for driving tests, TD’s early test appointment booking system, the scheduling of driving tests, as well as appeals and arrangements for video recording of driving tests.
Ombudsman and Ombudsman for Children can now investigate complaints from those in Direct Provision
From Monday 3 April the Ombudsman’s Office of Ireland will be accepting complaints from people living in Direct Provision, while complaints from children or on behalf of children, can be made to the Irish Ombudsman for Children’s Office. This is a change that has been long called for by both Offices and which will provide equal access to complaints procedures for people in Direct Provision.
Deadline for applications for regional subsidies extended
Following its call for applications for regional subsidies for the membership year 2014/2015, the IOI decided to extend the deadline for applications, allowing member institutions to turn in their applications for regional subsidies until 27 February 2015.