Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
People’s Advocate Position With Regard To The Large Number Of Personal Data Of Albanian Citizens Compromised For Political Purposes
Given the concerns of a large number of citizens regarding allegations of the collection and use of their personal data by a political entity, specifically the Socialist Party of Albania, the Institution of the People's Advocate states that obtaining and using personal data of citizens by any political party is illegal, unless the citizens themselves have given a special written authorization for their use for the permitted purpose, or for other concrete cases provided by the legislation in force.
Dr Niall Muldoon is Reappointed to Role of Ombudsman for Children
The Ombudsman for Children Dr Niall Muldoon has been formally re-appointed to his role for another term by the President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins.
The story of obtaining new powers for the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
In this fascinating paper, Nick Bennett, the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales and IOI Board member describes the work he did to ultimately achieve new legislation which strengthened his Office. It’s particularly interesting because in recognition of the independence of his Office, the legislation was developed by the Welsh Parliament (the National Assembly for Wales), and not the Government.
IACA is receiving applications for master programme
The International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) is receiving applications for its master programmes, i.e. the Master in Anti-Corruption Studies (MACS), the International Master in Anti-Corruption Compliance and Collective Action (IMACC), the Master in Anti-Corruption and Diplomacy (MACD), and the Spanish programme of a Máster en Estudios Anticorrupción y Compliance (MACC). Applications for 2022 classes are still open.
Restrictive laws prevent families from reuniting
In his press release of 2 February 2011, the Commissioner for Human Rights gives a statement on family reunions which are becoming more and more difficult for immigrants in Europe.
Ombudsman visits facilities for seniors
The Ombudsman started visits of facilities for seniors and revealed that three quarters of regional facilities for seniors write on their websites that they will not admit persons treated for a mental disease.
Ombudsman Hong Kong probes Government’s planning for ancillary facilities for electric private vehicles
The Ombudsman, Ms Connie Lau, on September 28, declared a direct investigation into the Government’s planning and arrangements for ancillary facilities for electric private vehicles to examine whether there are any improprieties.
Ombudsman probes respite services for supporting carers of elderly persons and persons with disabilities
On 9 August 2024, the Ombudsman, Mr Jack Chan, announced the launch of a direct investigation to carefully examine the respite services for supporting carers of elderly persons and persons with disabilities.
The Catalan Ombudsman stresses the importance of having the Istanbul Protocol implemented within six months
The Ombudsman of Catalonia, as the Catalan Authority for the Prevention of Torture (OPCAT), has imposed himself the goal of having the Istanbul Protocol implemented in all places of deprivation of liberty in Catalonia within six months. According to this manual, the Ombudsman will lead the development of actual protocols for each type of centre.
Québec Ombudsman releases special report on student services for students with special learning and adjustment needs
On June 13, 2022, Québec Ombudsman Marc-André Dowd released the Putting students first investigation report, which describes the slate of student services, their organization and their funding for elementary-school students with special learning and adaptation needs.
New report uses linked data analysis to better identify risk factors for early childhood mortality
A report tabled by the NSW Ombudsman on 9th December 2022 links perinatal (birth) records with the records of children who have died to better understand risk factors for early childhood mortality.
Advisory Council to the Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights was created
The Advisory Council was created with the purpose of rendering advisory support to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, holding scientific researches, and also consideration of suggestions concerning the improvement of the state of protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms by means of effective using of potential of civil society institutions
Ombudsman asks for a court-appointed lawyer for minors
The Ombudsman of Spain asks for a court-appointed lawyer for minors who want their opinions to be considered in legal proceedings. Ombudsman Soledad Becerril presented a paper analysing whether minors’ views are heard adequately in legal proceedings that affect them.
National Ombudsman calls for greater clarity
‘A call for clarity!’ This is the title of the third joint annual report published by the National Ombudsman, the Ombudsman for Children and the Ombudsman for Veterans, and presented to parliament today by the National Ombudsman, Reinier van Zutphen.
The Ombudsman Saskatchewan publishes annual report 2022 and credits staff for 50 years of serving citizens
On 27 April 2023, the annual reports for 2022 for Saskatchewan’s Ombudsman and Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner were tabled in the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly – a historic year, since the office is approaching its 50th anniversary.
Ombudsman report says personal transport supports for people with disabilities are inadequate
In his report "Grounded: Unequal access for people with disabilities to personal transport schemes" published today, 23 November 2021, Ombudsman Peter Tyndall says that personal transport supports for people with disabilities are inadequate, unfair and inequitable.
Publication of the annual report of the Assembly Ombudsman for Northern Ireland and the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints
The Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman’s Office published its final Annual Report of the Assembly Ombudsman/Commissioner for Complaints (AOCC) for the 2015-16 year.
Delays to Veterans' road to wellness
Veterans Ombudsman, Guy PARENT, addresses unfairness in the Veteran Health Care Regulations in how Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) reimburses Veterans for their treatment expenses related to their illness or injury.
ENNHRI published regional rule of law report 2021
National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) are key players in the promotion and protection of human rights, democracy and the rule of law, as state-mandated bodies acting independently of government with a broad human rights mandate. This report of the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) brings together reporting from NHRIs in Europe on the rule of law situation in their country, collected in February and March 2021. It identifies key trends across the region and details the specific situation in each country, including in the context of governments' responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Joining the Dots – connecting voices for child-friendly healthcare in hospital
The Ombudsman for Children’s Office and the Children’s Hospital Group Board have come together with the three children’s hospitals; Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin; Temple Street Children’s University Hospital and the National Children’s Hospital, Tallaght Hospital to design and carry out a consultation process to capture the views of children, young people, their parents and hospital staff.