Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Acting Public Services Ombudsman for Wales appointed
In light of Peter Tyndall’s departure to take up the post of Irish Ombudsman and Information Commissioner, the National Assembly for Wales has appointed Professor Margaret Griffiths as Acting Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. The National Assembly for Wales will now conduct a full and open recruitment process to appoint a permanent successor to Peter Tyndall.
IOI releases Report on Fact Finding Mission in Poland
On 24 October 2016 the IOI released a report on the current constitutional situation of the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights based on a Fact Finding Mission, which took place in July.
9th International Conference of Ombuds Institutions for the Armed Forces held in London
From 9 - 10 October 2017 the Service Complaints Ombudsman for the Armed Forces in the United Kingdom co-hosted the 9th International Conference of Ombuds Institutions for the Armed Forces (ICOAF) in conjunction with the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces (DCAF).
Commissioner for Fundamental Rights presents annual report 2019
Dr. Ákos Kozma, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary, presents the report regarding the activities of the office in 2019. It encompasses the full range of efforts made by Commissioner Kozma and his two Deputy Commissioners, namely the Ombudsman for the Rights of National Minorities and the Ombudsman for Future Generations to promote and protect the fundamental rights in Hungary.
Covid-19 - Ombudsman alerts the Government to delays in attributing support to companies
The Ombudsman sent a letter to the Secretary of State for Social Security and to the Deputy Secretary of State and for Fiscal Affairs, in which she requested that efforts be made in order to overcome the situation experienced by companies that have been awaiting, for several months now, attribution of extraordinary support for progressive recovery of activity, wherein the justification for the delay lies in the dynamics of articulation between the Institute of Social Security, IP and the Tax and Customs Authority.
Moratoria: Ombudsman clarifies the scope of bank loans to higher education students
The Ombudsman consulted the Secretary of State for Finance, in order to ascertain the Secretary of State for Finance's interpretation of the current version of Decree-Law no. 10-J/2020, of 26.03, and received a clarification from him, in line with the Ombudsman's interpretation, that bank loans to higher education students are included within the scope of the public moratorium.
Government prepares decision for joining Optional Protocol to the Convention of the Rights of the Child on a Communications Procedure
Currently, Hungary is not yet party to the Optional Protocol to the 30-year-old Convention on the Rights of the Child on a Communications Procedure. It is thus a significant development that upon Commissioner for Fundamental Rights László Székely’s appeal, the Minister of State for Family and Youth Affairs at the Ministry of Human Capacities has indicated: they have begun to prepare the decision necessary for Hungary’s joining the optional protocol.
Ombudsman tabled Annual Report 2018
Victoria Pearman, Ombudsman for Bermuda, has submitted her Annual Report for 2018 to the Speaker of the House of Assembly in accordance with her statutory duty under the Ombudsman Act 2004. The Report was tabled in the House of Assembly this morning and is available to the public.
The Ombudsman awards prizes for bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses in the field of human rights
On 29 December 2021, the Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia published the first public competition for bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses in the field of human rights.
CCAC completes inquiry report on complaints about selling prices and subsidy ratios for the 2019 economic housing units
The CCAC completes “Inquiry report on Chief Executive Order no. 57/2024”, which means the complaints about selling prices and subsidy ratios for the 2019 economic housing units. The CCAC suggests the relevant departments pay more attention to the work of disseminating preliminary information and broadening the general public's knowledge in order to allow them to better understand and gain knowledge of the relevant legal regime about economic housing.
Network of Institutions for Future Generations publishes Annual Report
In his role of Ombudsman for Future Generations in Hungary, Dr. Gyula Bándi hosts the Secretariat for the Network of Institutions for Future Generations in his office. Dr. Bàndi supported the publication of the network's report entitled "Acting today for a better tomorrow".
Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Submits Annual Report for 2020 to Parliament
In compliance with Section (1) of Act CXI of 2011 on the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, on 31 March 2021, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights submitted his report to the Parliament on his activities in 2020. Simultaneously, the report has also been published on the website of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights.
Ombudsman publishes Newsletter summary
The Office of the Ombudsman of Latvia published a news summary for September 2022. This month’s discussed topics include the Civic Engagement Month, the Call for Support for all households regardless of the type of heating used, the Submission for the 8th "Annual Award for Supporting People with Disabilities" and many more.
Authorities still charge for telephone advice
Parliamentary Ombudsman Petri Jääskeläinen has given the Ministry of Justice a reprimand on the ground that telephone advice services are still not provided free of charge by all of the authorities belonging to the Ministry's sector of administration.
Information Commissioner reports significant increase in FOI activity during 2015
The Information Commissioner and Commissioner for Environmental Information, Peter Tyndall, launched his Annual Report for 2015. This is the eighteenth report since the Office was founded in 1998 and the Commissioner's third since taking up Office.
ODIHR and PRI publish new guidance document on UN Nelson Mandela Rules
On 9 August 2018, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and Penal Reform International (PRI) published a “Guidance Document on the Nelson Mandela Rules – Implementing the United Nations revised Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners”.
Data on complaints related to COVID-19 played role in enacting disinfection measures and addressing inconveniences
The Anit-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) has analysed a total of 52,118 cases of civil complaints for two months after the first COVID-19 case was confirmed in Korea, and pushed for measures to mitigate people’s inconvenience in cooperation with relevant ministries and agencies.
Norfolk council agrees to rigorous scrutiny of services for children with Special Educational Needs
Councillors in Norfolk will be provided with regular detailed analysis of the county council’s special educational needs services following a critical Ombudsman report.
NIPSO calls for end to uncertainty and confusion over responsibility for care home fees
The Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman, Margaret Kelly, has called for clarity over who is responsible for paying the care fees of adults who have a combination of health and social care needs, including those in residential or nursing homes.
Meeting of CPT at Public Defender’s office as part of special monitoring visit
Deputy Public Defender of Georgia Giorgi Burjanadze and representatives of the Public Defender's Office met with a delegation from the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT). The rights situation of prisoners in Georgia and the ways of solving problems were discussed at the meeting.