Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
European Ombudsman encourages Council to assess risks around use of sponsorship by rotating presidency
The Ombudsman has encouraged the Council of the European Union to assess whether its guidance for corporate sponsorship of its rotating presidency is effective at mitigating potential conflicts of interest and reputational risks for the EU, and to explore possible measures to help mitigate these risks.
Equality and Non-discrimination Transcend Borders as “Color Our Rights” Promotes Human Rights Through Poster Design
The Control Yuan National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) held the awards ceremony for the “Color Our Rights: 2024 Human Rights Poster Design Competition” on 8 December 2024.
The plurality of the Council of the Ombudsman has contributed to the value of the Ombudsman institution
After the first meeting of the Council of the Human Rights Ombudsman (Council), Ombudsman Vlasta Nussdorfer presented the Council's tasks, orientations and composition and contribution to the functioning of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia (Ombudsman).
Commissioner for Fundamental Rights’ view on the effect of a local government decree
The local government ordered a ban on changes on recently purchased, undeveloped land. However, the same ban does not apply to the adjacent plot in local government ownership. During his inquiry the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights established that a ban imposed in such a manner runs counter to the requirement of equal rights stipulated by the Fundamental Law of Hungary.
IOI issues joint statement in Support of the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights
Together with ENNHRI, Equinet, GANHRI, OHCHR Europe and RPO, the IOI publishes a joint statement in support of Dr. Adam Bodnar, the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights, as he is currently facing severe backlash from some politicians and segments of the media for speaking up on behalf of the National Prevention Mechanism (NPM) on an individual case.
WorkCover needs wholesale change for long term injured workers
Victoria’s WorkCover scheme is failing to deliver just outcomes for long term injured workers, inflicting a huge emotional toll on them, their families and wider society, Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass has found.
Seoul Metropolitan Government Citizens' Ombudsman Commission celebrates 5th Anniversary
This year marks the fifth anniversary of the Seoul Metropolitan Government Citizens' Ombudsman Commission since it was launched for the first time among local governments of Republic of Korea in February 2016 as an independent collegiate administrative agency. As an ombudsman organization, the commission is responsible for monitoring the municipal administration and protecting the rights and interests of our valued citizens.
Commissioner Stylianou - Lottides submits Annual Reports 2020 to the President of the Republic of Cyprus
On 20 January 2022, the Commissioner for Administration and the Protection of Human Rights, Mrs. Maria Stylianou - Lottides, submitted the Annual Report of her Office for the year 2020, as well as the individual Annual Reports detailing the work and action of the Office under the other mandates of the Commissioner, to Mr. Nicos Anastasiadis, President of the Republic of Cyprus.
Ombudsman Hong Kong announces results of investigation into management of waste separation bins
The Ombudsman, Ms Winnie Chiu, today (28 April) announced the completion of a direct investigation into the management and effectiveness of waste separation bins, and made six recommendations for improvement to the Environmental Protection Department (EPD).
Surrey to apologise to family for not providing boy with proper education
Surrey County Council has agreed to review how it arranges and monitors special educational needs support for children and young people in the county following a Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman investigation.
The Pandemic Increases Awareness of Human Rights’ Universal Value
The year behind us has demonstrated that an efficient human rights protection system is a necessary precondition for the actual protection of the vulnerable groups in times of crises.
Whistleblowing in South Africa
Address by Public Protector Adv Thuli Madonsela during the Open Democracy Advice Center (ODAC) Conference on whistle-blowing held in Johannesburg, Wednesday, November 17 2010
Ombudsman Faults Government Over Housing Tender
The Commission on Administrative Justice (Kenya’s Office of the Ombudsman), Kenya’s Ombudsman has faulted the Government of Kenya for irregularly awarding a tender worth approximately $ 58 million to a Chinese Company.
MDAC research on access to justice for children with mental disabilities
The Mental Disability Advocacy Center (MDAC), an international human rights organisation based in Budapest, recently completed a 2-year European multi-country research project on access to justice for children with mental disabilities. The project was designed to strengthen access to justice and legal remedies for children with intellectual or psycho-disabilities who have been victims of human rights violations. Summary reports are - among others - available in English and Spanish.
Ombudsman Hong Kong presents results of two own-motion investigations
On 28 June 2017 Hong Kong Ombudsman Connie Lau announced the completion of two own-motioned investigations, namely “The arrangement between Housing Department and Water Supplies Department regarding payment of water charges for common areas and vacant units in public housing estates” and “Food and Environmental Hygiene Department’s criteria for publicising the list of traders involved after issuing a Food Safety Order”.
Ombudsman Hong Kong announces result of direct investigation into Transport Department’s handling of a road section enclosed and left idle for prolonged period
The Ombudsman, Ms Connie Lau, today (October 31) announced the completion of a direct investigation into the handling of a road section enclosed and left idle for a prolonged period. The direct investigation report has been uploaded to the Office of The Ombudsman website for public viewing.
The Ombudsman for future generations on the deadlines for approval of wells drilled without a permit
In the interest of maintaining legal certainty, Ombudsman for future generations Gyula Bándi requests the Government and the Parliament to take immediate measures to reasonably extend the deadlines for the penalty-free approval of wells drilled without a permit.
PHSO to host seminar on peer review
Do you want to improve the performance of your Office, demonstrate value for money or learn from the best practice of others? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then Peer Review may be the best tool for you. The Parliamentary and Health Services Ombudsman (PHSO) is hosting a seminar on Peer Review in conjunction with the IOI in London on 23 September 2019. Save the date!
Veterans Ombudsman’s report on financial compensation for veterans and SRB payout
Pension for Life, implemented on April 1, 2019, is a new financial compensation regime available to Canadian Armed Forces Veterans. This investigation compared lifetime financial benefits under three compensation schemes: Pension Act, the New Veterans Charter/Veterans Well-being Act, and the new Pension for Life.
CPT issues follow-up statement on COVID-19
Further to its Statement of principles made on 20 March 2020 in the context of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and in the light of responses received from member States concerning measures taken with regard to persons deprived of their liberty, the Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) of the Council of Europe issued a follow-up statement.