Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2011-06-15

    Vienna SYT training - I.O.I. funded nine scholarships

    For the second time the Sharpening Your Teeth Training for staff members of ombudsman institutions was hosted by the Vienna-based General Secretariat. The I.O.I. financed nine scholarships for participants from Lesotho, Tanzania, Uganda, Mauritius, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Saint Lucia, Sint Maarten and Romania.

  • 2012-04-18

    Commissioner for Fundamental Rights files two petitions to the Constitutional Court

    The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights in Hungary filed a petition addressing the provisions concerning the confinement and detention of juvenile offenders as well as a government decree regulating student contracts.

  • 2014-12-09

    Sign up for Ontario Ombudsman investigative training

    Registration is filling up fast for the next session of Ontario Ombudsman André Marin's training course "Sharpening Your Teeth: Advanced Investigative Training for Administrative Watchdogs." The course, which is tailored for oversight agencies and investigators, will be held from 19 January to 21 January 2015 in Toronto, Ontario.

  • 2013-04-24

    No compensation for areas put under nature conservation

    Proprietors of areas which were put under nature conservation complain that no expropriation or compensation was given to them. The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights proposes that the Minister of Rural Development reviews the legislation.

  • 2013-07-23

    Draft legislation on whistleblowing

    The Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights informs about the draft legislation on complaints and announcements of general interest, which will involve the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights.

  • 2015-08-06

    Public Services Ombudsman is appointed Gibraltar’s competent authority for ADR

    The Public Service Ombudsman in Gibraltar has been appointed by HM Government of Gibraltar to be the Competent Authority for Gibraltar for the purposes of the Consumer (Alternative Dispute Resolution) Regulations 2015.  

  • 2016-03-31

    Welsh Assembly Finance Committee supports extension of Ombudsman’s powers

    A report from the National Assembly for Wales’ Finance Committee has recommended a new law should be introduced to strengthen the powers of the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales.

  • 2016-05-27

    Public Services Ombudsman for Wales Issues Special Report

    The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales has issued a “special report” against a Welsh Health Board for the first time ever after it failed to carry out recommendations it previously agreed to.

  • 2016-06-09

    Starter Kit for new Ombudsman and developing or expanding offices for all members available

    The Starter kit for new ombudsmen and developing or expanding offices (Starter Kit) was funded by the IOI through a regional subvention, and jointly undertaken by the offices of the Western Australian Ombudsman and New South Wales Ombudsman.

  • 2016-07-22

    Fact Finding Mission to Poland

    From 18 – 20 July 2016 an IOI delegation visited Poland to analyse the impact of the current constitutional situation on the office of the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights.

  • 2017-05-03

    Ontario Ombudsman announces dates for October 2017 training

    Ontario Ombudsman annouces dates for its Sharpening your teeth: Advanced, Investigative and Administrative Watschdogs" Training, taking place in Toronto in October 2017. Registration is now open and will be available for a reduced price, if registered until July 31.  

  • 2017-05-11

    Board adopts Vienna Declaration to support colleagues in Argentina

    At its annual meeting in Vienna the IOI Board of Directors adopted a declaration requesting the Congress of Argentina to accelerate procedures to appoint the National Ombudsman – a position which has remained vacant for the past seven years – and the National Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents – a position which remains vacant since its creation in 2005.

  • 2017-11-22

    Ombudsman meets Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights

    The Parliamentary Ombudsman, Mr Anthony C Mifsud received the Council of Europe (CoE) Commissioner for Human Rights Mr Nils Muiznieks. The Commissioner was in Malta, for a two day visit, to monitor the human rights protection standards as part of Malta’s obligation as a CoE Member State. Such visits are aimed at providing Council of Europe Member States with guidelines to raise the standards of human rights protection, in accordance with his mandate.

  • 2018-03-07

    Ombudsman invites applications for position of Deputy Ombudsman

    The Ombudsman of the Cayman Islands invites applications for a temporary appointment to the position of Deputy Ombudsman (Complaints). The purpose of this temporary post (to March 11, 2020), is to provide leadership in establishing a complaints process for members of the public relating to police misconduct and to establish all of the policies, guidance and educational materials required to support the goals of the Whistleblower Protection Law.

  • 2018-06-14

    Ombudsman Kräuter welcomes delegation of the China Society for Human Rights Studies

    On 12 June 2018 Austrian Ombudsman Dr. Günther Kräuter welcomed a delegation of the China Society for Human Rights Studies for a knowledge exchange at the Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB) in Vienna.

  • 2018-08-27

    APT Annual Report 2017

    The Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT) published its Annual Report 2017. For the first time the APT is making available an online version in English, French and Spanish.

  • 2019-03-18

    Commissioner for Human Rights discovers alarming case during preventive visit

    Polish Commissioner for Human Rights discovered alarming case of deprivation of liberty in psychiatric facility during one of his preventive visits. A citizen was placed in the mental hospital for stealing a bike. This happened 10 years ago by a court decision that was based on the opinion of a psychologist who had not even examined the patient.

  • 2019-05-29

    Victorian Ombudsman investigated fees for treatment without transport

    Ambulance Victoria has agreed to Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass’s recommendation that it stop charging people $532 for ‘treatment without transport’ when an ambulance is called by a third party.

  • 2020-08-11

    Challenges Covid-19 brings for the health system

    The publication "COVID-19 Challenges for Health Systems" is now available. The document was prepared on the basis of the dissertation in the Webinar "Challenges of COVID-19 for health systems", held on May 25, 2020 and organized by FIO and the Network of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights of the American Continent (RINDHCA).

  • 2021-03-09

    Poland must apply internationally recognized standards to ensure Ombudsman can operate without interruption

    In view of current developments in Poland, the IOI reissues its official letter of support from October 2020, stating its opinion on provisions regulating the transitional period until a new office holder will be elected for the position of the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights. Poland must apply and consider internationally recognized standards such as the Venice Principles to ensure that the Ombudsman institution is able to fulfil its mandate without interruption in the service of the citizens of Poland.

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