Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
August-September Information Bulletin, 2015
The Public Defender presented a combined bulletin of August and September. The document reviews Public Defender’s recommendations and proposals, which were submitted to the relevant agencies for further response, as well as Public Defender’s public statements on the issues of particular importance in terms of protection of human rights.
CoE publication on realising the right to family reunification of refugees in Europe
The Commissioner for Human Rights’ publication Realising the right to family reunification of refugees in Europe contains 36 recommendations, an overview of European Court of Human Rights case-law, relevant EU legislation as well as restrictive practices in some Council of Europe states.
Ombudsman encourages young people to be more active in decision making process
The 2nd of February is nationally celebrated as Youth day in Azerbaijan according to the Decree signed by the President, Haydar Aliyev in 1997. Since that day, each year numerous events are conducted in the country where the young people actively participate. On this occasion by the initiative of Azerbaijani Ombudsman many events were organized in different regions of the country with participation of the young people.
Control Yuan launches "Single Account Shared Platform" Online Complaint Service
The Control Yuan is making significant efforts to advance digital transition. By taking user needs as the starting point, the CY continues to optimize its systems to provide users with an outstanding service experience.
UK Ombudsman speaks out on patient safety following nurse’s murder trial
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, Rob Behrens spoke out about the defensive NHS culture prioritising the protection of organisational reputation over patient safety following the conviction of a neonatal nurse.
ACRC wins UN award for innovative communication with citizens
The Korean I.O.I. member ACRC recently received an UN award for "Advancing Knowledge Management in Government" for its "e-People" tool. This integrated online portal deals with civil complaints and proposals regarding central and local governments and public organizations. The average number of daily visitors is about 100,000.
Application to the Constitutional Court regarding campaign financing
The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights requested the Constitutional Court to examine the provision of the Act on Electoral Procedure which limits in HUF 1 million per candidate the amount that can be used during the electoral campaign for Members of Parliament. The Ombudsman has invited the Constitutional Court to examine also a possible failure to act by the law-maker in connection with the control of the utilisation of campaign funds.
Right to pension for persons serving a sentence
Proceedings of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights in petitions of citizens serving their sentences in places of deprivation of liberty prove massive violations of their rights to pension, particularly with regard to disability pension.
Ombudsman’s prison investigation
For the first time in the history of the Prison and Penitentiary of Sopronkőhida, built in 1886, the Ombudsman conducted an investigation which revealed that inmates spend their lengthy imprisonment in cramped cells and fewer psychologists than needed are available.
FRA report on victims of crime in the EU
A research by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) examines support service provision for victims of crime across the 28 EU Member States, in line with the 2012 EU Victims’ Directive and focuses not on abstract fundamental rights standards but on the final practical results.
Scottish Public Services Ombudsman publishes Annual Report 2014/2015
The Office of the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman published its 2014-15 annual report. It charts another year of achievement for the SPSO. We handled a record number of complaints about public services, and further improved our productivity and the quality of our service. We helped almost 5,600 people, providing independent advice and support and looking into the issues people brought us where we could. Our investigations led to over 1,400 recommendations for improvement to public services.
International working group on introduction of declaration on NHRIs role in conflict and post-conflict situations
In October 2015, representatives of national institutions of 20 countries of the world unanimously adopted the Kyiv Declaration on the "Role of NHRIs in Conflict and Post-conflict Situations" following results of work of a two-day international conference of the same name.
British Columbia Ombudsperson releases guide for fair bylaw enforcement
B.C. Ombudsperson Jay Chalke has released a guide aimed at improving the fairness of local government bylaw enforcement programs. “Bylaw Enforcement: Best Practices Guide for Local Governments” is built on 20 years’ experience and hundreds of investigations into individual complaints about bylaw enforcement practices in communities of all sizes across British Columbia.
Ombudsman releases four OIA practice reports
In April, the Chief Ombudsman announced investigations into four agencies (the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, the Ministry for the Environment, the Department of Conservation, and Land Information New Zealand) as part of a long-term strategy to raise the quality of official information delivery from the public sector.
Towards the effective protection of LGBTI persons deprived of liberty - a monitoring guide
The Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT) launched a new guide, which aims to strengthen the protection of LGBTI persons in detention settings. "Towards the effective protection of LGBTI persons deprived of liberty: a monitoring guide" offers practical guidance on how to account for sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics in a torture prevention framework.
Victorian Ombudsman calls for improvements to reduce complaints about VicRoads
Victorians lodged more than 800 complaints about VicRoads with the Victorian Ombudsman last financial year, with many of the issues having serious financial, practical and emotional consequences for those involved.
Ombudsman for Bermuda elected new Caribbean Director and Regional President of IOI
The Ombudsman for Bermuda, Ms Victoria Pearman, has been elected to represent the Caribbean and Latin America as Caribbean Director of the IOI. She will serve as Regional President for the IOI’s Caribbean & Latin American Region. In this role, she will participate in meetings of the IOI Executive Committee and work closely with the two Directors for Latin America to manage regional matters and coordinate activities.
Summer School for the Ombudspersons
Last July, the first comprehensive summer school for ombudspersons was held, following the example set by countries such as Canada and England, where a special training course for and about ombuds work already exists. The aim of this in-depth summer school was to highlight all the different aspects of the work an ombudsperson carries out.