Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
"Accessibility and Customization of the Investigation Procedure for Persons with Disability" - Symposium for the staff of the Office of the Ombudsman of Israel
On 9 July 2023, the staff of the Office of the Ombudsman participated in a symposium on the topic "Accessibility and Customization of the Investigation Procedure for Persons with Disability". The symposium, which took place at the main office of the Ombudsman in Jerusalem, focused on the verbal and written communication between staff of the Office of the Ombudsman and complainants with disability. The symposium was chaired by a blind staff member of the Office of the Ombudsman.
ACRC advocates for enhancing support for underfed children’s school meals
The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission has established “Measures to Facilitate Social Contribution Projects for Underfed Children” and recommended institutional improvements to local governments across the country.
The Federal Ombudsman calls for strengthening the trust of citizens
On 24 April 2024, the Federal Ombudsman presented its annual report to the Chamber of Representatives. It underlines a number of problems that are affecting the trust of citizens in public authorities and calls for a strengthening of this trust.
Ombudsman publishes 2023 Year Report
The Ombudsman of Sint Maarten recently published the 2023-year report. In 2023 there were a total of 367 complaints handled of which 43 resulted in a report by the Ombudsman.
NSW Ombudsman’s Casebook July 2024: Investigations and complaint-handling case studies
The NSW Ombudsman’s Casebook July 2024: Investigations and complaint-handling case studies has been tabled in Parliament on 30 July 2024. The NSW Ombudsman holds agencies to account for the services they provide to the people of NSW, achieving positive outcomes for the complainants. Casebook July 2024 is the first of what will be biannual reports featuring case studies illustrating how the NSW Ombudsman achieves those outcomes.
Safeguarding Children’s Rights in the Domain of Sports and Physical Activities
In an effort to raise awareness about children’s rights in the context of sports, the Office of the Ombudsperson for Children collaborated with the Mauritius Olympic Committee to participate in a workshop titled “Safeguarding Children’s Rights in the Sports Context,” organised on 16 November 2024. The event brought together 35 participants, including athletes and coaches, to engage in meaningful discussions and training on the rights of children in sports and the ethical responsibilities of those working with young athletes.
Ombudsman recommends solutions to Office of Children’s Services
Alaska State Ombudsman Kate Burkhart made seven recommendations to the Alaska Department of Family and Community Services, Office of Children’s Services (OCS), after an ombudsman investigation. The investigation was prompted by a complaint from a foster parent, who alleged OCS conducted an unfair investigation into a Protective Services Report, failed to seek timely mental health services or placement for a child, and made an inappropriate placement decision. The investigation revealed that OCS struggled to find effective solutions for a youth with complex needs and challenging behaviors.
Mr. Howard Sapers has been reappointed as the Correctional Investigator of Canada by the Minister of Public Safety. His task is to bring resolution to individual offender complaints, identify issues of concern within the federal correctional system, and to propose fair and effective advice and solutions.
Ombudsman welcomes Venice Principles
On 2 May 2019, the Meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies of the Council of Europe endorsed the “Principles on the Protection and Promotion of the Ombudsman Institution” (“The Venice Principles”). The Gibraltar Public Services Ombudsman, welcomes the Venice Principles and fully supports the implementation of these internationally accepted standards.
Increase in complaints shows continuing relevance of Ombudsman office to Victorians
Complaints to the Victorian Ombudsman increased by 14% over the past year, while the number of protected disclosure (whistleblower) matters looked into has tripled since 2015.
Seimas Ombudspersons publish Annual Report 2021
The year 2021 was intense and full of challenges in Lithuania. The country continued to fight the coronavirus pandemic, while migrant flows from Belarus reached the Lithuanian border at the beginning of the summer. The challenges of managing irregular migration have forced state institutions to consolidate their efforts to address national security and human rights issues.
From Manchester to Athens – next steps
The Office of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman UK presents a paper, which marks and celebrates the launch of important development initiatives including a revised Peer Review process at the European IOI Congress in Athens in May 2022. This follows the publication of the Art of the Ombudsman study involving 53 members of the IOI and following consultation at the Manchester Memorandum event in 2021.
Tabling of the 2022–2023 annual report: Official languages issues still very much present
Commissioner of Official Languages of Canada Raymond Théberge tabled his 2022–2023 annual report in Parliament on 30 May 2023.
The Commonwealth Ombudsman published an investigation report “Taking Liberties”
On 7 February 2024, the Commonwealth Ombudsman, Iain Anderson, published an investigation report, ‘Taking Liberties’, focussing on whether the Department of Home Affairs and the Australian Border Force has appropriate policies and procedures in place to ensure unlawful non-citizens are removed from Australia in a timely way.
Review of housing register applications following Ombudsman investigation
London Borough of Tower Hamlets has agreed to review the way it allocates properties after the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman uncovered it had a long backlog in processing applications to join its housing register. The discovery came when the Ombudsman investigated how the council handled an application from a woman who was resident in its area.
CY Committee on Domestic and Ethnic Affairs Conducts Circuit Supervision of Ministry of the Interior in Hopes of Assisting with Improvement of Administrative Efficiency
The Committee on Domestic and Ethnic Affairs of the Control Yuan conducted a circuit supervision and inspection of the Ministry of the Interior on 4 November 2024, led by Convener Chu-Fang Chang, accompanied by President Chu Chen, Vice President Hung-Chun Lee, and other CY Members.
Australasian & Pacific Ombudsman Institutions - comparative analysis
Against the background of intensified scientific cooperation and exchange of best practice models among members IOI is pleased to offer exclusively to its members free electronic access to the comparative study on Ombudsman institutions in the Australasian & Pacific Region.
Agreement on Cooperation between Ombudsman Office and OSCE
Within a recent meeting the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) agreed on intensified cooperation.
The Defensora del Pueblo asks for a second chance act for debtors acting in good faith
The Defensora del Pueblo, Soledad Becerril, has presented in the Joint Committee for Relations with the Ombudsman the report “Economic crisis and personal insolvency: actions and propositions”.
Bring Ombudsman election process into full compliance with international standards
In his comment for the legal information portal JURLIGA, the Head of the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights gives a detailed explanation of the election process of the Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights in light of recent events in Parliament relating to this selection and appointment.