Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Ombudsman probes criteria and procedures for procuring and withdrawing library materials
On January 12, the Ombudsman, Ms Connie Lau, announced a direct investigation into the criteria and procedures adopted by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) for procuring and withdrawing library materials to examine whether there are any inadequacies.
Ombudsman Hong Kong probes mechanism for handling smoking offences
The Ombudsman, Ms Connie Lau, announced a direct investigation into the mechanism of the Food and Health Bureau (FHB) and the Department of Health (DH) for handling smoking offences to examine whether there are any inadequacies.
Ombudsman criticizes authority after visit to Alytus Correction House
Having assessed the human rights situation in Alytus Correction House, the Seimas Ombudsman Mr. A. Normantas noted that there is not enough space for inmates in wheelchairs to move freely within the cells. The bathrooms are too narrow, and the stairs leading to a canteen and library as well as the odontologist, family doctor and psychologist are not adjusted for the use of people with disabilities.
Last call for IOI regional subsidies 2017/18
In its efforts to further increase the regional impact of the IOI, the members of the IOI Board of Directors decided at their recent Board meeting in Vienna to continue the regional subsidy programme for the membership year 2017/2018. Institutional members wishing to apply for a regional subsidy can submit project proposal until 1 September 2017.
Tender for IOI regional subsidies 2017/2018
In its efforts to further increase the regional impact of the IOI, the members of the IOI Board of Directors decided at their recent Board meeting in Vienna to continue the regional subsidy programme for the membership year 2017/2018. Institutional members wishing to apply for a regional subsidy can submit project proposal until 1 September 2017.
Hearing of the Commission for Fundamental Rights at the Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly
The Judiciary Committee supported, with ten yes votes and two abstentions, that the National Assembly put the report on the activities of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights in 2016 on the agenda of its plenary meeting.
How Tusla and the HSE provided and coordinated supports for a child with a disability in the care of the State
In a recently published report, the Ombudsman for Children presents the case of Molly (Names have been changed to protect anonymity), who was born with Down Syndrome and severe autism and has grown up with her foster family after being placed there when she was a baby. Molly’s foster carer made a complaint to the Ombudsman about the level of supports and services being provided and the Ombudsman’s investigation found that there was a lack of co-ordination between the two agencies which meant that services and supports provided by both organisations were insufficient.
Control Yuan recommends reverse mortgage program for seniors
Ten financial institutions in Taiwan are currently participating in a program focused on implementing the government's senior citizen reverse mortgage policy. An investigation of the Control Yuan has resulted in specific recommendations to the government for further improving the program.
English summary of 2016-2017 overview of the Chancellor of Justice activities now available
The Chancellor of Justice is a one-person, independent constitutional institution appointed to office by the Riigikogu on the proposal of the President of the Republic for a term of seven years. The Chancellor’s task is to make sure that legislation in Estonia is in conformity with the Constitution and that the fundamental rights and liberties of people in Estonia are protected. Besides constitutional review and ombudsman functions, the Chancellor also fulfils the role of national preventive mechanism for ill-treatment and ombudsman for children. Once a year, the Chancellor presents an annual report of his or her activities to the Riigikogu.
Ombudsman Western Australia releases 2017-18 Annual Report
The Western Australian Ombudsman has tabled his 2017-18 annual report in Parliament. The report outlines the work of the Office for the year. The Office finalised 94% of complaints within 3 months and 100% of the Ombudsman’s recommendations were accepted for the eleventh consecutive year.
Man overcharged for hospital stay complains to Ombudsman
A man complained to Ombudsman Peter Tyndall after he was charged 1,500€ for a number of hospital stays. This was despite a cap of 750€ on such charges at the time. The man, who suffers from a severe kidney condition, was admitted to two different hospitals over 12 months. He spent a total of 30 nights in hospital. At the time there was a 75€ per day charge for a hospital stay.
Ombudsman calls for ‘blame Brussels’ culture to end
European Ombudsman, Emily O'Reilly, welcomes the European Parliament’s strong vote of support for her recommendations to improve the transparency and accountability of EU national governments’ legislative work in Brussels.
Wafaqi Mohtasib presents annual report 2018
The Honourable Wafaqi Mohtasib called on the Honourable President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi at Aiwan-e-Sadr, Islamabad on Monday, 1st March 2019, and presented the Annual Report of the institution for the year 2018.
Ombudsman completes compensation proceedings for victims of municipal road collapse
The Portuguese Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, concluded the proceedings for compensation to the relatives and heirs of the five mortal victims of the collapse of the Municipal Road 255, which took place on November 19, 2018, in the borough of Borba, Portugal.
Ombudsman Hong Kong probes arrangements for production, distribution and stocktaking of surgical masks
The Ombudsman, Ms Winnie Chiu, announced the launch of a direct investigation to examine the arrangements for production, distribution and stocktaking of surgical masks manufactured by the Correctional Services Department (CSD).
National Ombudsman: failing water supply on St. Eustatius unacceptable
The National Ombudsman is calling on Government Commissioner Marnix van Rij and State Secretary for the Interior and Kingdom Relations Raymond Knops to take immediate action to tackle the water problem on Sint Eustatius.
Ombudsman presents report on discriminatory policy towards children with disabilities
The Commissioner for Administration and the Protection of Human Rights (Ombudsman) presents a report on discriminatory policy towards children with disabilities.
Ombudsman hearing clarifies FOI exemptions for “free and frank” discussions
Two recent decisions on Freedom of Information (FOI) appeals by the Ombudsman have helped clarify when government’s internal discussions are protected from disclosure and when information around those matters should be released to the public.
Tender for IOI regional subsidies 2020/2021
In its efforts to further increase its regional impact, the IOI will continue the regional subsidy programme for the membership year 2020/2021. IOI members wishing to apply for a regional subsidy are asked to fill in the IOI subsidy application form and submit their project proposal to the General Secretariat by 14 August 2020.
Commonwealth Ombudsman releases report on unacceptable behaviour training in the Australian Defence Force
The report, Inquiry into behaviour training for recruits, reviews Defence’s framework for administering training to new recruits about Defence’s required behaviours. The report considered the courses taught by the Army, Navy and Air Force recruit schools which are designed to teach Defence’s newest members about the rights and obligations of all ADF members in relation to required behaviours.