Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Conference on children’s right to healthy environment
Prof. Máté Szabó, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary, hosted a conference on the actual situation, problems and challenges concerning children’s right to a healthy environment. Several scholars and representatives of governmental bodies and the civil society were presented on the one-day event.
Ombudsman Kenya will host African Ombudsman’s Colloquium
The Office of the Ombudsman (Commission on Administrative Justice) Kenya will convene the upcoming Regional Colloquium for African Ombudsman Institutions under the theme of “Repositioning the Ombudsman: Challenges and Prospects for African Ombudsman Institutions.”
Sharpening your teeth training in Toronto
The next session of Ontario Ombudsman André Marin's training course for ombudsmen and administrative investigators, "Sharpening Your Teeth" will be held January 20-22, 2014 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The course, which is tailored for oversight agencies and administrative watchdogs, will focus on the skills that make oversight agencies leaders in their respective fields.
Declaration on minimum standards for ombudsman institutions adopted
At the end of February 2014, delegates at a two-day African Ombudsman Summit adopted a pioneering declaration on the minimum standards for effective ombudsman institutions and cooperation.
Ombudsman publishes Annual Report 2013
Ombudsman Peter Tyndall launched his first annual report since taking up the role as Ireland's Ombudsman in December 2013. At the launch of his annual report for 2013, Peter Tyndall pointed out that his Office had received more than 3,000 complaints in 2013.
Ombudsmen of Ukraine and the Russian Federation will meet in Kharkiv
The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, MsValeriya Lutkovska, and the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Russian Federation, Ms Ella Pamfilova, coordinated a previously planned organizational meeting which will be held on 13 June 2014 in the city of Kharkiv.
Ombudsman calls for measures to alleviate the financial burden on families of purchasing new textbooks
The Ombudsman, Soledad Becerril, has reminded the authorities of the need to implement measures to alleviate the financial burden on families in the school year that begins in September.
Poor communication, errors in diagnosis and poor treatment tops the list of hospital complaints investigated by the Ombudsman
A report has revealed that the top three reasons for hospital complaints investigated by the Ombudsman Service were poor communication, errors in diagnosis - including delays in diagnosis, misdiagnosis and failure to diagnose - and poor treatment.
Statement by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman in response to the Health Select Committee's report on complaints
“We are delighted the Health Select Committee is actively championing the implementation of our joint report, ‘My expectations for raising concerns and complaints’ which sets out what good complaint handling looks like from patients and service users’ perspectives.
Ombudsman Kenya publishes outcome report on Colloquium of African Ombudsmen
Following the successful organization of the inaugural regional colloquium for Ombudsman Institutions, held in Nairobi in September 2013, the Commission on Administrative Justice (Ombudsman) of Kenya published an outcome report on “Repositioning the Ombudsman - Challenges and Prospects for the African Ombudsman Institution”.
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman welcomes government commitment to Public Service Ombudsman
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Dame Julie Mellor welcomed the government’s commitment to a single public service ombudsman which will make it much simpler and easier for citizens to complain about public services in England.
New departements for inspection visits
Since 1st of September 2015, the Chancellor of Justice has a new department, which is responsible for managing, planning and carrying out inspection visits into the authorities under supervision, performing the tasks of national preventive mechanism, developing methodologies for inspection visits and compiling summaries of visits.
AOMF holds convention in Québec City
The 9th convention of the members of the Association des Ombudsmans et Médiateurs de la Francophonie (AOMF) culminated in the adoption of the Québec Declaration, which calls for strengthening and consolidation of mediation institutions as promoters of democratic values, the rule of law and respect for human rights.
IACA Regional Summer Academy - Eastern Africa
The International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) offers its next Regional Summer Academy for Eastern Africa. It will be in Kampala (Uganda) in September 2016 and is funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation, in cooperation with IACA.
FCO and Osgoode Hall Law School offer training on “Essentials for Ombuds”
The Forum of Canadian Ombudsman (FCO) and the Professional Development Program at Osgoode Hall Law School will once again offer the popular course on "Essentials for Ombuds" from 26 – 30 September 2016 in Ontario, Canada.
Ombudsman and UNHCR call on government authorities to give impetus to schemes for taking in refugees
The Office of the Ombudsman and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) made a joint appeal today to all government authorities to give impetus to refugee reception and integration schemes, with a reminder that Spain must comply with the commitments made in the sphere of international protection.
Ombudsman thematic report leads to review of Welsh hospital care
A review of care for acutely sick patients in Wales will be launched in the New Year, following the publication of a Public Services Ombudsman for Wales thematic report.
New Acting Correctional Investigator of Canada appointed
Dr. Ivan Zinger has been appointed as the Acting Correctional Investigator of Canada. The duration of this appointment is for a term of one year or until such time that a new Correctional Investigator is appointed. Mr Zinger followed Howard Sapers, who was appointed Independent Advisor on Corrections Reform to the Ontario provincial government and who had served as the Correctional Investigator from 2004 to 2016.
Manitoba Ombudsman releases “Ten Tips for Addressing Employee Snooping”
Manitoba Ombudsman has released a guidance document for public bodies and trustees subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and the Personal Health Information Act (PHIA).
40 Years of the Commonwealth Ombudsman
The Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman is celebrating its 40th anniversary. For forty years, the office has provided assurance, integrity, influence and improvement for government, industry and the public.