Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2014-12-01

    Ombudsman probes government regulation of rehabilitation transport services to persons with mobility difficulties

    The Ombudsman, Ms Connie Lau, declared today a direct investigation into the Administration’s implementation of the policy formulated in 2007 on provision of special transport services to persons with disabilities who cannot use public transport, and any measures against unauthorised operations of rehabilitation transport services to protect the safety and interests of persons with disabilities.

  • 2014-12-18

    Marking of the 20 years of the Human Rights Ombudsman's Office

    The Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia Vlasta Nussdorfer presented the president of Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor with a special jubilee publication on Wednesday marking Human Rights Day and 20 years of the Human Rights Ombudsman's Office.

  • 2015-03-11

    Local Government Ombudsman asks if children are being failed by complaints system

    The pressures on the complaints system for children’s care services are being highlighted in a new report by the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO). In a number of case studies the LGO shows some of the common issues it sees in children’s social care complaints, including failure to recognise a children’s service complaint or long delays in the process.

  • 2015-03-17

    Economist Intelligence Unit report on business and human rights

    New policy report by the Economist Intelligence Unit, sponsored by the Universal Rights Group, on "The Road From Principles To Practice: today's challenges for business in respecting human rights".

  • 2015-10-23

    Ombudsman reveals wide range of public service failures across NHS in England and UK government departments

    Too many unresolved complaints are being taken to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman which could have been resolved by public services locally, meaning that people are left waiting longer for answers and that much needed service improvements are delayed.

  • 2015-11-06

    Ombudsman’s office marks 40 years of helping citizens, improving governance

    The Office of the Ontario Ombudsman celebrated 40 years of helping citizens resolve issues with the provincial government on 30 October 2015. The occasion comes as the office embarks on an historic expansion of its mandate – something the first Ombudsman began calling for in 1975.

  • 2016-09-22

    Anar Mammadli at the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights

    (20 September 2016) Dr. Adam Bodnar has met with Anar Mammadli, prominent human rights activist in Azerbaijan and former political prisoner. 

  • 2016-10-20

    New report shines light on failings in assessing people’s fitness to drive

    Vulnerable drivers have been left in limbo for years as a result of major failings by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) in assessing people’s fitness to drive, leaving them unable to work and cutting them off from their friends and families, according to a new report published today.

  • 2017-10-23

    New measures against energy poverty announced

    Poverty is an enemy of human rights and states are successful to the extent on how much they look after the most vulnerable, said Ombudswoman Lora Vidović at the opening of the conference on energy poverty, that she organised on the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty and Social Exclusion. The participants welcomed the new measures announced by the representative of the Ministry of Environment and Energy, Dean Smolar.

  • 2017-11-20

    New South Wales Ombudsman publishes Annual Report 2016-17

    Professor John McMillan AO, Acting New South (NSW) Ombudsman, released his annual report for 2016-17. During the reporting year, the office dealt with a broad range of issues, including public housing maintenance, water regulation, disability accommodation and support services, school student suspensions, debt recovery, guardianship, prisoner health services, and out-of-home care services for children.

  • 2018-01-11

    Law amendments to establish Seimas Ombudsmen as NHRI have come into force

    On 1 January 2018, amendments to the Law on the Seimas Ombudsmen came into force, providing new functions for the Seimas Ombudsmen, among which are the dissemination and monitoring of human rights in the country. The new functions include presenting the assessment of the human rights situation to international organisations and providing them with information regarding the obligations established in the international treaties of Lithuania.

  • 2018-01-17

    Ombudsman investigation recommends improvements in HSE’s Treatment Abroad Scheme

    Ombudsman Peter Tyndall has today published a report following his investigation into the HSE’s administration of the Treatment Abroad Scheme. The investigation followed complaints to the Ombudsman about the scheme including suggestions that it was overly complex, that there were delays in approving applications and that some applicants were being given incorrect information.

  • 2018-01-23

    E-People – the best communication channel to the government

    On November 1, the ACRC announced that e-People was selected as an Excellent Administrative Service and inducted into the hall of fame, as one of the top 50 persons and services selected by citizens in the Ministry of the Interior and Safety(MOIS)’s 50th Anniversary Commemoration Event of Korea’s e-government.

  • 2018-02-28

    Ombudsman calls for amendments to policing bill to ensure effective civilian oversight

    Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé today flagged several gaps in the province’s proposed new policing legislation, warning that they could undermine its promise of stronger civilian oversight of police. He pointed out the need for mandatory de-escalation trainings and limits on ex-police staff.

  • 2018-04-18

    British Colombia Ombudsperson urges government to improve telephone service for income and disability assistance recipients

    British Colombia’s Ombudsperson Jay Chalke released Special Report No. 40, Holding Pattern: Call Wait Times for Income and Disability Assistance on April 17, 2018. Holding Pattern is the report of the Ombudsperson’s systemic investigation into the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction’s centralized telephone system and its impact on the applicants and recipients of income and disability assistance.

  • 2018-09-24

    Ombudsman statement on investigations into the Department for Child Protection

    The Ombudsman South Australia (SA) has made a statement on an investigation into the Department for Child Protection and the alleged failure to protect young people from sexual exploitation. The Ombudsman has concluded a lengthy own initiative investigation concerning the actions of Families SA and the Department for Child Protection.

  • 2018-12-03

    FRA survey reveals: Being black in the EU often means racism, poor housing and poor jobs

    According to findings from a major repeated survey by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), black people in the EU face unacceptable difficulties in simply finding somewhere to live or getting a decent job because of their skin colour. Racist harassment also remains all too common.

  • 2018-12-20

    Paris Principles at 25: Strong National Human Rights Institutions needed more than ever

    On 18th December the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe published a comment on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Paris Principles highlightening the important contribution of NHRIs, especially in the current context of retrogression on human rights. The comment also raises concern about attacks on the independence and efficiency of NHRIs, and articulates a number of recommendations.  

  • 2019-06-24

    Serious deficiencies in accessibility - polling stations were not accessible for wheelchairs

    At the request of Parliamentary Ombudsman of Finland, Petri Jääskeläinen, two officials from the Office of the Ombudsman of Finland performed unannounced inspections at the polling stations of eight municipalities in the region of Southern Finland during the European election day on 26 May. The purpose of the inspections was to determine the accessibility of polling stations, the possibilities for inclusion of persons with disabilities, and the realisation of the secrecy of the polls. One of the official conducting the inspection used a wheelchair.  

  • 2019-07-26

    The Network of African National Human Rights Institutions organises workshop on SOGIE-related Complaints Handling, Investigations and Documentation

    The Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI), a regional membership organisation of African NHRIs based in Nairobi Kenya is organising a technical workshop on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression (SOGIE) for representatives of NHRIs and SOGIE-related Civil Society Organisations. The workshop will be held on July 23 – 25 in Entebbe, Uganda.

Showing 1661 to 1680 of 5101 entries