Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2019-08-19

    Ombudsman Hong Kong probes Leisure and Cultural Services Department’s arrangements

    On August 14, the Ombudsman Ms Winnie Chiu announced a direct investigation to examine the arrangements of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) for depositing layout plans of public pleasure grounds in the Land Registry (LR).

  • 2019-10-24

    Ombudsman presents Outreach Report on Progress of Home Repair

    In 2019 the Ombudsman Gwendolien Mossel and her team embarked on an initiative with the objective of reaching out to the general public, in particular the most vulnerable in the society.

  • 2019-11-14

    Joint annual report of the Netherlands' Ombudsman Institutions

    The National Ombudsman of the Netherlands, the Ombudsman for Children and the Ombudsman for Veterans have just published a joint Annual Report 2018. The report includes a number of case studies which illustrate their work.

  • 2020-02-19

    Catalan Ombudsman demands safeguard of social rights in the face of growing vulnerability and climate

    Due to the increasing number of complaints related to social emergency situations, the Ombudsman calls for immediate action which effectively responds to the more than 1,300 coexistence units concerned.

  • 2020-06-08

    Control Yuan requests to provide labour insurance coverage for all migrant fishers

    Migrant fishers enjoy statutory labor insurance coverage, and their employers are required to contribute to their premiums so that they may claim government compensation in the event of injury on the job, as well as the same right to medical care as nationals.

  • 2020-06-15

    Application of legal standards developed by the Human Rights Defender of Armenia by Courts of Armenia

    Since 2016, the Human Rights Defender has started a new practice of developing jurisprudence and legal standards in decisions related to concrete cases. This procedure is based on the same principles as the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Cassation or the Constitutional Court and is an example of how the case law can be developed through the work of the country's legal institutions based on international obligations.

  • 2020-06-23

    Special report on the activities of the Protector of Citizens during the Covid-19 state of emergency

    In the extraordinary circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic where the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia allows necessary deviations from human and minority rights, the Protector of Citizens, as an independent state authority for protection of human rights, has strenghtened the supervision and extended its work to almost 24 hours all seven days a week, so that the citizens of the Republic of Serbia could also in extraordinary circumstances achieve their rights.

  • 2020-07-30

    Recommendations on respecting the constitutional freedom of assembly even during the state of emergency

    The People’s Advocate of Albania provides recommendations “On taking the necessary measures to respect the constitutional freedom of assembly even during the state of emergency” addressed to the Inter-Ministerial Committee of Civil Emergencies, General Prosecutor, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the General Directorate of State Police in Albania

  • 2020-09-03

    Increase of catering expenses for residents at Foreigners Registration Centre following Ombudsman’s recommendations

    Following the recommendations of the Seimas Ombudsman, the rates of catering expenses for the residents of the Foreigners Registration Centre are being increased

  • 2021-05-19

    The Ombudsman de Montréal tabled her 2020 annual report

    The Ombudsman de Montréal, Ms Nadine Mailloux, tabled her annual report for the year 2020 to City Council. Presented under the theme "Here for you", the report shows a record number of complaints with 2,150 files handled, including 498 new investigations, 20 of which were initiated by the OdM, compared with 1,966 files handled in 2019.

  • 2021-05-19

    European Ombudsman launches broad inquiry into Commission handling of staff ‘revolving doors’ cases

    European Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly has launched a wide-ranging inquiry into how the Commission handles so-called ‘revolving doors’ cases among its staff. The inquiry is part of a reinforced monitoring of how the EU administration implements the ethics obligations on EU staff who move to the private sector.

  • 2021-05-27

    Police stops in Europe: everyone has a right to equal treatment

    A new paper by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) reveals the differences between people’s experiences with police stops. It shows that Black people, Asians and Roma are still more likely to be stopped and searched by police, which also affects their trust in policing. FRA will continue providing EU countries with data and guidance to support them in ensuring their policing practices respect people’s fundamental rights.

  • 2022-02-02

    Solving problems during the pandemic of Covid-19 in 2020

    The Chief Ombudsman of Thailand received several complaints related to preventive or support strategies in the pandemic of Covid-19. The main focus was put on relief measure to “leave no one behind”, assistance from the Telecommunication Sector to support people working from home during the pandemic, and the general shortage of medical equipment.  

  • 2022-03-17

    Whistleblower Awareness Day Acknowledges Employee Courage

    March 24, 2022 is Whistleblower Awareness Day. It’s a day for recognizing how difficult and yet how important it is to speak up if you are concerned about a possible wrongdoing in your workplace. Saskatchewan’s Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner, Mary McFadyen said, “I want to acknowledge the role of whistleblowers, particularly in the public sector, for having the courage to speak up if they think something is seriously wrong at work.”

  • 2022-04-26

    Study on issues of girls’ education - Ombudsman Sindh calls for implementation of recommendations

    Sindh Education & Literacy Department (SE&LD) is being vigorously persuaded by the secretariat Provincial Ombudsman Sindh (POS) on the implementation of the study on the "issues of girl's education in sindh".

  • 2022-09-06

    Councils cannot allow multiple care home contracts to run in tandem

    The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman is cautioning councils against allowing the care homes they work with to have subsidiary contracts with clients following a complaint about Leeds City Council.

  • 2022-12-01

    Amalgamation grants paid in full after Ombudsman Commission intervention

    The Divine Word University (DWU) received its full amalgamation grants from the National Government after a mediation between the Ombudsman Commission, the DWU University Council and the Department of Higher Education Research Science and Technology. The mediation was mainly to address a planned fee increase by the University and to find ways the University can explore to avoid passing the costs to the parents. Chief Ombudsman Richard Pagen led the mediation.

  • 2022-12-21

    Meeting of Ombuds Institutions on the fight against poverty in the Caribbean

    On Wednesday, 30 November 2022, the Ombuds institutions of the Kingdom of the Netherlands met in Curaçao for their annual meeting and focused on fighting poverty in the Caribbean. 

  • 2023-04-13

    Access to information rights in Scotland

    The Scottish Public Service Ombudsman has responded to a consultation from the Scottish Government on Access to Information Rights in Scotland. This consultation aimed to collect views from a wide set of stakeholders on the need for future legislative changes to the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA).

  • 2023-06-01

    Ombudsman saves enumerator's career

    The Office of the Ombudsman in Malawi was successful in advocating for the reinstatement of a woman, who was unfairly dismissed from her position while on Study Leave.

Showing 1681 to 1700 of 5101 entries