Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Provincial Ombudsman Khyber Pakhtunkhwa successfully conducted second awareness campaign
After successfully conducting the first phase of awareness campaign under the IOI regional subsidy project, the IOI General Secretariat has extended the said project further under the IOI regional subsidy project and granted a subsidy grant worth 2,667/-€. A detailed plan of different activities was prepared for the proper utilization of this grant/amount.
Public Protector releases a report on the investigations into administrative deficiencies relating to the processing of GBV related matters
On 4 June 2024, the Office of the Public Protector released a report on the investigations into administrative deficiencies relating to the processing of gender-based violence (GBV) related matters within the South African criminal justice system. The investigation emanates from the administrative challenges faced by the public, particularly women and children, in the South African criminal justice system identified by the Public Protector.
Ombudsman announces results of direct investigation operation into Government’s work in combating abuse of public housing resources
On 22 Januar 2025, the Ombudsman, Mr Jack Chan, announced the completion of a direct investigation operation into the Government’s work in combating the abuse of public housing resources, with 31 major recommendations for improvement made to the Hong Kong Housing Authority and the Hong Kong Housing Society.
Ararteko - Ombudsman for the Basque Country
Ombudsman publishes Annual Report 2011
The Ombudsman for Bermuda presented the institution’s 7th Annual Report covering the year 2011. The Annual Report 2011 is available on the Website of the Ombudsman for Bermuda.
Ombudsman strategies for acceptance of recommendations
The Office of Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé developed a paper on Ombudsman strategies for getting Ombudsman recommendations accepted and implemented. The paper is available here.
Ombudsman Hong Kong announces results of two direct investigations
The Ombudsman announces direct investigation reports on Government's "Mechanisms for Approving Applications for School Fee and Other Charges" and "Enforcement against Commercial Use of Public Passages in Private Malls"
International Webinar on Covid-19 and the Ombudsman
Preparations are in full swing for the Israel-IOI hosted international webinar on the theme: Covid-19 and the Ombudsperson - Rising to the Challenge of a Pandemic. Don’t forget to register for the webinar at the attached link!
IOI calls for immediate election of Polish Commissioner for Human Rights according to International Standards
Please find attached a statement of IOI President, Mr. Peter Tyndall, IOI Regional President for Europe, Mr. Rafael Ribó, and IOI Secretary General, Mr. Werner Amon, as a response to the decision of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal from 15 April 2021.
Ombudsman publishes Weekly Newsletter
The Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Azerbaijan published a newsletter for the period of 01-14 November, 2022.
OPCAT inspection in boarding schools
In the framework of the OPCAT implementation in Azerbaijan Members of the NPM group against torture conducted an inspection in special boarding school No. 16 for paralyzed children and children infected with poliomyelitis.
Ontario Ombudsman André Marin will be presented with the Ontario Bar Association’s 2012 Award for Distinguished Service at an award ceremony to be held in Toronto on April 26.
Ombudsman investigates Corporation of Hamilton
Arlene Brock, Ombudsman for Bermuda, is launching a systematic investigation into the Corporation of Hamilton on her own motion as allegations were brought to her office including lack of transparency and inadequate governance, particularly regarding a proposed waterfront development project.
Citizens’ Representative assumes responsibility for whistleblower investigations
On July 1 2014 the province of Newfoundland and Labrador proclaimed the Public Interest Disclosure and Whistleblower Protection Act in effect.
Centre for Human Rights publishes Annual Report 2013
The Centre for Human Rights published its Annual Report 2013, presenting information on the Ombudsman institution’s activities in the previous year.
European Ombudsmen call for urgent support for internally displaced persons within Ukraine
In the course of the conference of the European Region of the International Ombudsman Institute, European Ombudsmen have expressed their concerns for the plight of the refugees and displaced persons.
Ombudsman publishes annual complaints report for the local government sector
Jim Martin, the Ombudsman, publishes his annual complaints report for 2013/14 about the local government sector today.
Subvenciones regionales
Subventions régionales
International Forum “Administrative Grievance Resolution & the Ombudsman” and International Training Workshop for Asian Ombudsman “Watchdogs Bark”
Save the Date: From 8 – 10 March 2016, an International Forum and an International Training Workshop for Asian Ombudsman subsidized by the IOI will take place in Tokyo, Japan.