Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2018-10-19

    Hong Kong Ombudsman holds press conference on investigation reports

    The Ombudsman of Hong Kong, Ms Connie Lau, held a press conference on 18 October 2018 to announce the results of a direct investigation report on “Housing Department’s arrangement for using idle spaces in public housing estates” and a full investigation report on “Transport Department’s improper arrangement for implementation of 2-way toll collection at the Lantau Link”, that caused serious traffic congestion.

  • 2018-10-25

    New ENNHRI Chair elected

    The European Network for National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) held its General Assembly Meeting and Annual Conference in Athens from the 24th to the 25th of October 2018. During these two days, representatives of NHRIs and Ombudsman Institutions attended this conference on “Ombudsman Institutions and other institutions under threat”.

  • 2018-12-03

    USOA annual conference – Honolulu, September 2019

    The United States Ombudsman Association’s (USOA) holds a conference every year. USOA’s 40th Annual Conference will be held from 18 – 20 September 2019, at the Hilton Waikiki Beach Hotel in Honolulu. Pre-conference workshops will be offered from 16 - 17 September 2019.

  • 2019-02-04

    The Ombudsman of Azerbaijan initiated an event on equal opportunities for children

    An event on "Child rights: Equal opportunities" was held by the Ombudsman Institution of Azerbaijan jointly with Goygol District Executive Power in the Gizilja village school. The issue of effective education and upbringing of the children for the future was highlighted during the event.

  • 2019-06-06

    Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights comments on environment and human rights

    Today, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms Dunja Mijatović, published a comment on the interdependence between human rights and the environment.

  • 2019-08-14

    Good cooperation of heads and employees at psychiatric institutions with NPM team

    The NPM team visited yesterday two health care institutions in Niš. The visit was paid to the Psychiatric Clinic of the Clinical Center Niš after it was announced and in accordance with the plan of visits for 2019, while the visit to the Center for Mental Health at the Clinical Center Niš was visited by NPM members without previous announcement.

  • 2019-10-10

    NPM recommends maximum term for stay of foreigners alone in detention facilities in airports

    The Ombudsman of Portugal, acting as head of the National Mechanism for the Prevention (MNP) of Torture and Mistreatment, addressed a recommendation to the Portuguese Immigrants and Borders Service (SEF) to avoid situations of excessive isolation of persons detained in temporary installation facilities in airports, while awaiting the decision to enter the country.

  • 2020-01-10

    Ombudsman highlights disability transport issues to Irish Government

    Irish Ombudsman Peter Tyndall has written to the Irish Government to highlight some of the issues raised in complaints to his Office that affect people with disabilities. The Government met Thursday 9 January in Marino, Dublin for a special meeting to discuss disability issues.

  • 2020-01-31

    A new tool on human rights - bringing together assessments of EU Member States

    There is a range of monitoring mechanisms on human rights, not the least in the United Nations and the Council of Europe. A new tool is bringing together many of these - and an increasing number - for the benefit of the EU institutions and its Member States. The tool is hopefully also useful for Ombudsman institutions and other national actors.

  • 2020-04-29

    SPSO published Strategic Plan 2020-2024

    Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) Rosemary Agnew laid her Strategic Plan for 2020-2024 before the Scottish Parliament. In it the Ombudsman sets out her vision for the delivery of the SPSO’s functions under the strategic themes of accessibility, access to justice, capacity and standards.

  • 2020-05-20

    Visit to the emergency centre of the Coronavirus Operational Group

    On 17 April 2020, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Dr. Ákos Kozma paid a visit to the Emergency Centre of the Coronavirus Operational Group at the Ministry of Interior, where the Ombudsman was received by Head of the Emergency Centre Colonel Tibor Lakatos.

  • 2020-11-30

    Ombudsman’s project for children and young people

    The coronavirus pandemic has caused an “educational crisis” and children are one of the most vulnerable groups due to the measures taken to curb and eliminate the epidemic. On the occasion of World Children's Day, the Human Rights Ombudsman has prepared a project for children and young people entitled "If you see injustice, use justice!"

  • 2020-12-03

    Notice of retirement from Toronto Ombudsman Susan Opler

    Susan E. Opler has officially announced her decision to retire from her position as Ombudsman Toronto, effective 21 April 2021. In her farewell message, Ombudsman Opler emphasizes that it has been an honour and privilege to serve as Toronto’s Ombudsman and thanks her dedicated staff.

  • 2020-12-03

    Bougainville President visits Ombudsman Commission

    In November 2020, the newly elected Bougainville President Ishmael Toroama met with the Members of the Ombudsman Commission and its Officers to discuss among other things way forward for the creation of the Bougainville Ombudsman Commission.

  • 2021-01-04

    Citizens’ Representative declares misconduct by former Crown Corporation CEO for misrepresenting evidence

    Citizens’ Representative for Newfoundland & Labrador, Bradley Moss, released a public report on 10 December 2020, highlighting the results of an investigation of evidence concealment by a public official during a previous conflict of interest investigation by his office.

  • 2021-03-08

    Public Defender’s Opinion on Social Package for Persons with Disabilities

    The Public Defender of Georgia is responding to the request relating to the increase in the amount of a social package intended for persons with disabilities and once again calls on the Government of Georgia to take all measures for the timely transition to a fair system of granting disability status.

  • 2021-05-14

    Provincial Ombudsperson Jay Chalke reappointed for second term

    The Legislative Assembly of British Columbia today reappointed Jay Chalke as British Columbia’s Ombudsperson for a second six-year term. The appointment followed the unanimous recommendation of the legislature’s Special Committee to Appoint an Ombudsperson.

  • 2021-09-02

    Ombudsman Commission Newsletter – Issues March – June 2021

    The Ombudsman Commission of Papua New Guinea publishes its bi-monthly Wasdok Nius Newsletters. The editions for the months of March – April 2021 and May – June 2021 are now available.

  • 2021-12-20

    Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe visits Austrian Ombudsman Board

    On the occasion of Ms Dunja Mijatović’s visit to Austria, the members of the Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB) welcomed a delegation of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe on Wednesday, 15th December 2021, in Vienna.

  • 2022-02-03

    Human rights in places of detention – how Poland is implementing recommendations the international bodies for the prevention of torture

    National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture visited some places of detention that had been visited by the SPT and CPT delegations during their last periodic visits (in 2017 by the CPT and in 2018 by the SPT). The NMPT visits were thematic ones and focused on verifying the recommendations of the monitoring bodies.

Showing 1801 to 1820 of 5101 entries