Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Improving public services with systemic and own motion investigations
People are often relcuctant to come forward to the Ombudsman because they fear negative consequences. Therefore, it is important that an Ombudsman is able to undertake investigations on his or her own initiative. On occasions, the Ombudsman will be made or become aware of possible maladministration where no complaint has been made. Such investigations often consider systemic issues and ensure that the Ombudsman can be effective in tackling poor administration and improving public services.
Jean-Jacques Gautier NPM Symposium 2016
The 3rd Jean-Jacques Gautier Symposium was held by the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT) in Geneva in 2016. The 3rd Symposium, which gives NPMs an opportunity to discuss the challenges they face in the implementation of their preventive mandate, dealt with monitoring of psychiatric facilities and the outcome reports are now available in English, French and Spanish.
Effective implementation of Ombudsman recommendations
The IOI is conducting some preliminary research on the implementation and effectiveness of Ombudsman recommendations. A key focus of this project will be on Ombudsman recommendations and the IOI is interested in hearing about how you make recommendations to bring about change and examples of your work which have led to improvements for service users.
FRA launches report examining integration strategies across the EU
On 15 March, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published a new report examining integration strategies across the EU. It provides clear evidence of the successes and failures of current policies and recommends changes in order to build a stronger and more cohesive Europe
School transport policy changes causing upheaval for increasing numbers of children
Changes to councils’ transport policies are having an increasing effect on children trying to get to school, according to a report released by the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO).
Ombudsman and Medical Council agreement will benefit the public and health services
On 23 March 2017, the Medical Council and the Office of the Ombudsman signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will allow for the exchange of information and complaints between both offices. The MoU will benefit both the public and health services. The agreement will also establish procedures to assist members of the public in accessing the services of both organisations.
Veterans Ombudsman releases Transitioning Successfully: A Qualitative Study
Canada’s Veterans Ombudsman Guy Parent released today Transitioning Successfully: A Qualitative Study. The aim of the study was to better understand what contributes to a successful transition from military to civilian life for medically released Canadian Veterans, by interviewing Veterans who feel that they transitioned successfully, learning about their lived experience, and determining the factors, programs and services that help.
Irish Ombudsman welcomes progress on implementing Magdalen report recommendations
IOI President and Irish Ombudsman Peter Tyndall welcomed the Minister for Justice and Equality’s announcement that it will move forward on implementing the recommendations following the investigation into how the Department of Justice and Equality administered the Magdalen Restorative Justice scheme. The report of his investigation, Opportunity Lost, was critical of how the Department administered the scheme, including how some women who worked in the Magdalen laundries have been wrongly refused access to the scheme.
Ombudsman Sindh saves career of Ned University student
A student of NED University and some of his colleages approached Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, stating that although NED University of Engineering & Technology had announced a B.Tech Conversion Programme for students who had completed B.Tech (Pass) in a different field of engineering, entitling them for admission in 3rd year Bachelor of Engineering (B.E), admission was declined to them. The Ombudsman issued directives to the university to enquire and report and to the Vice Chancellor to streamline a procedure of admission in the university so that no student should suffer in the future.
Tender for IOI regional subsidies 2018/2019
The members of the IOI Board of Directors decided at their Board meeting in Toronto to continue the regional subsidy programme for the membership year 2018/2019. The overall sum of subsidies to be released in 2018/2019 amounts to 42,000 Euro. The amount will be split equally between the regions (7,000 Euro per region) and will take into account that no subsidy granted should be less than 2,000 Euro. Submit your application until 05 October 2018!
Ombudsman fights for the improvement in publication of court decisions
Public access to court case-law contributes to predictable decision-making by the courts, unification of the decision-making practice and transparency of court decisions, and thus also to promotion of the right to a fair trial. The Ministry of Justice has to provide for proper functioning of online records of court case-law.
Annual Report highlights a pleasing year
Public sector agencies are increasingly making use of advice and resources from the Ombudsman. In the Chief Ombudsman’s latest Annual Report, contacts for advice increased by 29%, while more use was being made of guidance material, including the 23 new or updated guides that were published in the 2018/19 year.
How NHRIs promote and protect human rights of migrants at borders
The European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) has launched a new paper outlining how NHRIs in Europe promote and protect the human rights of migrants at borders. The paper serves as a starting point for European NHRIs to put forward recommendations to national and regional authorities to ensure greater respect for human rights.
During a state of emergency access to information should be ensured for persons with disabilities
Following the declaration of State of Emergency aimed at preventing the spread of Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the Human Rights Defender received complaints from persons with disabilities requesting the Defender's support in accessing information.
IACA offers e-learning and on-line capacity building in anti-corruption
Due to the complete lockdown in the context of the current Covid-19 pandemic, the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) translated its program, including its masters’ programs and all other educational activities, into an e-learning platform and now offers on-line opportunities for capacity building in anti-corruption.
Investigations into allegations of nepotism in Victorian government schools
This report draws attention to a problem that has become a regular subject of ‘public interest disclosures’ to the Ombudsman - nepotism in government schools. It highlights the need for school principals and staff to check and follow integrity obligations, and the need for public authorities to look for effective ways to embed integrity in their workplaces.
Ombudsman Thailand hosted Signing Ceremony for MOU on “Natural Disaster Notification Service on Mobile Networks”
On 28 August 2020, Ombudsman Thailand (OMT) led by General Viddhavat Rajatanun, Chief Ombudsman, hosted and witnessed the Signing Ceremony for the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) of “Natural Disaster Notification Service on Mobile Networks” between public authorities and mobile phone service providers
International webinar on Covid-19 and the Ombudsman
Preparations are in full swing for the Israel-IOI hosted international webinar on the theme: Covid-19 and the Ombudsperson - Rising to the Challenge of a Pandemic to be held on 24 November 2020. Don’t forget to register for the webinar at the attached link!
Ombudsman’s ex-officio position on living conditions of Roma community
The Commissioner for Administration and the Protection of Human Rights (Ombudsman) of Cyprus, presents her ex-officio position on the living conditions of the Roma community in Cyprus as well as an English summary of the report.
Impact of Covid-19 restrictive measures on persons with disabilities - Webinar
The Public Defender (Ombudswoman) of Georgia and the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) take great pleasure of requesting you to save the date to participate in a Webinar on 17 March 2022, on the “Impact of COVID-19 Restrictive Measures on Persons with Disabilities”.