10. Mai 2024
On 7 May 2024, Colonel (Ret’d) Nishika Jardine, Veterans Ombud, released her letter to the Minister of Veterans Affairs on the fairness gap currently affecting some Veterans and their relatives. According to the Ombud, Veterans Affairs Canada’s (VAC) Veterans Independence Program policy may exclude access to care-at-home supports when Veterans’ family members live with them.
10. Mai 2024
Ombudsman.be, le Réseau belge des ombudsmans, vient d’adopter son Mémorandum à destination des responsables politiques de la Belgique.
10. Mai 2024
On May 2, 2024, 10 years have passed since the Parliament of Georgia, in accordance with the Association Agenda with the European Union, adopted the Law of Georgia on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination, and within the framework of the Public Defender’s Office, a national anti-discrimination mechanism was created.
10. Mai 2024
Le 19 mars 2024, la proposition de loi n°435 "visant à encadrer les pratiques médicales mises en œuvre dans la prise en charge des mineurs en questionnement de genre" a été enregistrée au Sénat. Dans son avis au parlement publié le 6 mai 2024, la Défenseure des droits s’inquiète des effets de cette proposition de loi, de nature à porter atteinte aux droits et à l’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant.
10. Mai 2024
La institución Defensor del Pueblo ha elevado a la ministra de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones la recomendación para que se modifique la Ley General de la Seguridad Social, de modo que las subvenciones y ayudas destinadas a rehabilitación, mantenimiento o mejora de la vivienda habitual, que reciben particulares o comunidades de propietarios, no computen a efectos del límite de ingresos que se exige para la percepción del complemento a pensiones mínimas contributivas (jubilación, viudedad), así como otras prestaciones de Seguridad Social de naturaleza asistencial o no contributiva.
10. Mai 2024
El síndic de Greuges de la Comunitat Valenciana, Ángel Luna, ha cerrado la queja de oficio que investigaba las demoras en dar cita presencial en los Centros 24h a las víctimas de violencia de género, la revictimización de las mujeres que allí acuden, así como las dificultades para obtener la acreditación.
3. Mai 2024
On 23 April 2024, the Federal Capital Territory’s Commissioner of the Public Complaints Commission, Comrade Dalhatu Ezekiel Musa, met with the Managing Director of the Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund, Mrs. Maureen Allagoa, in her office in Abuja. They both agreed on the importance of a joint public awareness campaign to ensure that employees and employers alike are informed about the protections and obligations defined under current social insurance laws. They also discussed implementing joint initiatives to enhance accessibility of their services to the public.
3. Mai 2024
Inmates at PEI’s Provincial Correctional Centre will have more access to telephone services following an inquiry into multiple complaints received by OmbudsPEI. PCC’s telephone policy will no longer limit inmates to a small list of approved telephone contacts.