27. Februar 2025
New Zealand’s Chief Ombudsman and the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia signed the bilateral arrangement in Jakarta on Monday, 24 February 2025. The Ombudsman Cooperation and Support Arrangement was signed by Peter Boshier and his Indonesian counterpart Chairman Mokhammad Najih at a ceremony in Indonesia. 
27. Februar 2025
A 14 años de su existencia y funcionamiento, el Consejo para Prevenir y Eliminar la Discriminación de la Ciudad de México (COPRED) es esencial para avanzar en la eliminación de los obstáculos que limitan el goce pleno de los derechos en los espacios públicos y privados. Así lo destacó la Ombudsperson capitalina, Nashieli Ramírez Hernández, durante la ceremonia por el XIV Aniversario del COPRED, encabezado por su Presidenta, Geraldina González de la Vega, y la Jefa de Gobierno de la Ciudad de México, Clara Brugada Molina.
27. Februar 2025
The Ombudsman presented the new Ombudsman Bill to Government for consideration.
27. Februar 2025
Se han producido mejoras estructurales y se han incrementado los recursos específicos, pero también se detectan más necesidades educativas especiales. Hay más equilibrio en la escolarización de estos alumnos, pero, a veces, la atención que se les da no es equiparable a la que se da al resto. En el ámbito del ocio no existe una política sólida que garantice su participación.
27. Februar 2025
The European Ombudsman has made a series of suggestions to the European Commission to help it monitor EU funds granted to Member States for border management and ensure their use does not result in fundamental rights violations.
27. Februar 2025
On 26 February 2025, the Veterans Ombud Colonel (Ret’d) Nishika Jardine released a report on Additional Dependant Care, a reimbursement mechanism designed to provide relief for additional dependant care costs incurred by Veterans participating in the Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) Rehabilitation Program. The report found unfairness in the rules for reimbursement that could result in some Veterans not being afforded the same relief as others.
21. Februar 2025
The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission announced three major tasks to focus on under its 2025 vision “People with Better Life, Korea to Leap Forward.” Given the increasing concerns about added grievances due to the uncertainties both within and outside of Korea, the ACRC has made stabilizing livelihoods and protecting marginalized groups a top priority.
21. Februar 2025
On 20 February 2025, the Ombudsman, Mr Jack Chan, announced the completion of a direct investigation operation into the Government’s arrangements for the recovery, refurbishment and reallocation of public rental housing flats, and has made 19 major recommendations for improvements to the Housing Department and the Hong Kong Housing Society.
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