25. September 2018
A special meeting on “Implementation of women’s economic rights” has been initiated among the representatives of the Defender, state and self-government bodies and NGO’s in Khachik village, Armenia on 22 September 2018. One of the key guarantees to tackle various issues in the named field is to ensure women’s economic enhancement and autonomy.
24. September 2018
Ombudsman Peter Tyndall today published his report into the developments in end-of-life care in Irish hospitals. The Ombudsman’s report was jointly launched with the Irish Hospice Foundation and the HSE who published an information booklet for the public: “When someone you care about is dying in hospital – What to expect”.
24. September 2018
Una investigación del Yuan de Control sobre los informes realizados por los funcionarios de los barrios y villas sobre los casos de ayuda a las personas desfavorecidas hizo que se reportaran 8.531 casos en los últimos dos años.
24. September 2018
The Ombudsman South Australia (SA) has made a statement on an investigation into the Department for Child Protection and the alleged failure to protect young people from sexual exploitation. The Ombudsman has concluded a lengthy own initiative investigation concerning the actions of Families SA and the Department for Child Protection.
24. September 2018
Austrian Ombudsman and IOI Secretary General Günther Kräuter had a much-noticed appearance at the meeting of Petitions Committees and regional Ombudsman institutions in Germany. The annual meeting was held in Stuttgart (Germany) from 23 – 24 September 2018.
19. September 2018
A new EU announcement on freedom of expression and peaceful assembly made at the OSCE high-level conference in Warsaw underlined the positive work of the Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia as an excellent example of democracy promotion.
19. September 2018
In her annual report released today, 19 of September 2019, the Victorian Ombudsman said it was encouraging that of the 119 recommendations she made to state and local government over the 12-month period, 98 per cent were accepted.
19. September 2018
Deputy Ombudswoman Tena Šimonović Einwalter presented the mandates and the institution’s work regarding the minority issues, implementation of the Constitutional Law on the Rights of National Minorities and protection against discrimination to the Czech Republic Parliamentary delegation during their visit.