The 13th Conference of the Asian Ombudsman Association (AOA) will be held in Tehran, Iran from 7 to 10 October 2013. This biannual event will once again offer an opportunity to meet the heads of the Asian Ombudsman Association and their non-Asian counterparts.
The 13th AOA Conference will focus on sharing the best in ideas and legal means for bringing Fighting Corruption to concerned states and the conference include such topics as follows:
Plenary Session1: Towards professional and efficient ombudsman
- The structure of efficient and Professional ombudsman
- Efficient and professional functioning of ombudsman
- Legal frameworks for an efficient and Professional ombudsman
Plenary Session 2: Towards regional and International synergy
- Modalities for exchanging experiences in Regional and international levels
- Scientific cooperation in regional and International levels
- Asian Ombudsman Academy
- Asian Ombudsman Newsletter
Plenary Session 3: Toward the Strengthening of the civil liabilities of ombudsman
- Securing citizenship rights through the functioning of ombudsman
- Improving the methods of handling public complaints, access to ombudsmen easily and everywhere
- Relations between ombudsman and governmental as well as nongovernmental organizations
Plenary Session 4: Towards ombudsman 2020
- Proactive ombudsman, Ombudsman in a secure environment
- Ombudsman among the population (the experience of volunteered whistleblowers)
- Ombudsman and human rights
The 13th AOA Conference will be held in one of the best equipped and most important international conference halls in Tehran. The hall known as the Tehran Summit Convention Center, is located in the north of Tehran and near the Parsian Esteghlal five-Star Hotel. The venue of the Board of Directors Meeting is Kousar Hall, which is located in the central building of the General Inspection Organization (G.I.O), Iran.
For more information on the 13th AOA Conference, please contact the conference host, the Office of the General Inspection Organization (G.I.O.), Iran at:
Source : Office of the General Inspection Organization (G.I.O.), Iran