The Australasian Pacific Ombudsman Region (APOR) held a conference on 31 October 2023 and its 35th annual Members’ meeting on 1 November 2023 in Melbourne Australia.
The conference, themed "Through The Ombudsman Looking Glass: Now And Into The Future" was hosted by Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass OBE as Regional President. It included panel sessions on the role of an Ombudsman in a crisis, whether the public still cares about integrity, the balance an Ombudsman must strike when exercising powers and the impact of emerging technologies.
At the meeting on 1 November, Members agreed to issue a Communiqué from APOR, rereferring to, among other things, the role of an Ombudsman in a crisis, the Venice Principles and UN Resolution and the importance of supporting the rights of First Nations and Indigenous people.
Kindly find the Communiqué in the download section below.
Impressions of the APOR conference and member's meeting can also be seen in this short video.
Source: The Australasian Pacific Ombudsman Region