HUNGARY | 5th Newsletter on the situation on the Ukrainian-Hungarian border

In his current newsletter edition, the Hungarian Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, Dr. Ákos Kozma, focuses on the war in the Ukraine and he calls for solidarity and the protection of human rights.

Ombudsman Dr. Ákos Kozma visited the Lónya Help Point and the border crossing point located between Lónya and Dzvinkove in the company of Fire Colonel Mr. Béla Varga, Head of Directorate for Disaster Management of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights inquired about the current situation at the Lónya Help Point, the circumstances of the reception of people arriving in Hungary, fleeing the war in Ukraine, the measures taken to help them, and the experience gained so far by the staff on duty there, including the volunteers of the Hungarian Red Cross.

In addition to that, Fire Colonel Mr. Béla Varga, Head of Directorate for Disaster Management of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, informed Dr. Ákos Kozma about the activities carried out by county disaster management services at the Hungarian-Ukrainian border section.

Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Dr. Ákos Kozma and his staff members handed over the donations collected for the Lónya Help Point to the volunteers of the Hungarian Red Cross. In 2022, the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights (OCFR) has opened field offices in six regional centres of Hungary, which is a unique achievement even in the international practice.

To read the full Newsletter, please see the PDF document in the dowload section below.


Source: Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, Hungary

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