NETHERLANDS | A citizen is not a dataset

A citizen is not a dataset

The National Ombudsman has published a report on the use of data and algorithms by the government. The investigation concludes that it must be clear what citizens can expect from the government when it uses data and algorithms. This is not always visible and recognizable. And this affects the trust that citizens have in the government. The National Ombudsman has therefore developed an ombudsvision on the proper use of data and algorithms by the government. He calls on the government to focus on the perspective of citizens when using data and algorithms.

The ombudsvision on the proper use of data and algorithms by the government offers three principles that help the government in this regard:

1. Be clear
2. Be accessible
3. Be solution-oriented

Please click here to find the full article as well as the link to the report on the website of the National Ombudsman.

Source: Office of the National Ombudsman, Netherlands

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