Commonwealth Ombudsman Michael Manthorpe today released a report into the National Disability Insurance Agency’s (NDIA) administration of assistive technology funded under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The report focusses on the NDIA’s administration of assistive technology requests, reflecting concerns raised in complaints to the Ombudsman.
In releasing the report, Mr Manthorpe acknowledged that the NDIA has undertaken significant work to improve its approach to assistive technology. However, the Ombudsman stated that further work is needed to support participants to quickly access the assistive technology supports they need.
The Ombudsman noted there are a number of areas in which the NDIA can improve its administration of requests for assistive technology. ‘The recommendations I have made focus on improvements to internal processes and guidance, decision-making processes for planning, and public information and responsiveness.’ Mr Manthorpe said.
‘I am pleased that the NDIA’s response agrees with all but two of these recommendations and outlines progress it is making. I consider ongoing implementation of these recommendations will help to ensure participants’ experience remains central to the provision of assistive technology supports.’
In 2018–19, complaints about assistive technology constituted 13 per cent of NDIA complaints to the Ombudsman, compared to five per cent in the previous financial year. The most common issue in these complaints is the time taken to process requests. Participants and their representatives also expressed confusion about the process, and frustration at the lack of clear communication from the NDIA about expected decision timeframes. The report includes 14 recommendations aimed at assisting the NDIA to improve the participant experience for those who require assistive technology.
Source: The Commonwealth Ombudsman