IOI | Annual Report 2022-2023 now available

The IOI publishes its Annual Report every year, to inform about membership matters, as well as the most important projects, services and developments of the past membership year. The Annual Report 2022/2023 covers the period from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 and is available in the three official languages of the IOI (i.e. English, French and Spanish).

In this past membership year, the IOI offered different training initiatives, such as an online media training to help members improve their communications skills in times of crisis, or a workshop for our Spanish-speaking members in Latin America, who also hold a mandate as National Preventive Mechanism (NPM). The IOI keeps funding projects on Ombudsman-related issues in the regions through its regional subsidies program and lending its support to colleagues who come under threat or operate under difficult circumstances, such as the colleagues in Ukraine and Haiti this past membership year.

To read the full report on the IOI’s project, developments and achievements in the membership year 2022/2023, please visit the IOI website.


Source: IOI General Secretariat

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