Zoom Facilitated Discussion
“Dealing with the Media”
26 November 2020, 10:00 AM Johannesburg
Ombudsman inform the citizens of the country of the outcomes of their investigations through the media in an effort to be transparent and accountable and also as a way of making government departments and institutions accountable to the citizens. This is also a perfect opportunity to inform citizens about the work of the Ombudsman institution.
This facilitated discussion is an excellent opportunity to discuss best methods/tools Ombudsman institutions in Africa can use to conduct press releases, press conferences and interviews with the media in an effort to be transparent and accountable and also as a way of making government departments and institutions accountable to the citizens.
This discussion would enhance the capacity of Ombudsman throughout the continent in their tasks and contribute to the development of skilled resources within the Ombudsman institutions to the benefit of each participating country and Africa as a whole.
Register in advance for this meeting by clicking on this REGISTRATION LINK.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Simultaneous interpretation into French, Portuguese, and Arabic will be available.
Source: African Ombudsman Research Centre (AORC)
AORC Webinar - Dealing with the Media - Order of Proceedings (EN) (74,6 KiB)
AORC Webinar - Dealing with the Media - Order of Proceedings (ARA) (205,4 KiB)
AORC Webinar - Dealing with the Media - Invitation & Speaker Information (EN) (1,3 MiB)
AORC Webinar - Dealing with the Media - Invitation & Speaker Information (ARA) (615,6 KiB)