Papua New Guinea | Assassination Attempt on Chief Ombudsman

Papua New Guinea Ombudsman Chronox Manek was shot and seriously wounded in an assassination attempt outside his Port Moresby home on 11 December 2009.

The I.O.I. condemns the shooting of Chief Ombudsman Manek, who is known to be a dedicated fighter against corruption. Mr. Manek’s fate has shown that an ombudsman who takes his task seriously, also takes a personal risk.

As a first reaction, a message by President William Angrick and Secretary General Peter Kostelka was sent to Mr. Manek to express their concern on behalf of the I.O.I. The international ombudsman family hopes that he will recover quickly and continue to carry out his important work. The I.O.I. is proud of having such a courageous ombudsman on its Board of Directors.

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