AUSTRIA | Austrian Ombudsman Board publishes Annual Reports for 2022

The Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB) released the English version of its Annual Reports for 2022. The two volumes give account of the AOB’s ex-post control of public administration and the activities of the Austrian National Preventive Mechanism (NPM).

Monitoring Public Administration

In the year under review, the AOB received nearly 24.000 complaints, which is the highest figure ever for complaints submitted. This volume also includes the work of the Pension Commission for Victims of Children’s Homes, which once again received hundreds of cases involving traumatic childhood memories.

National Preventive Mechanism

For more than ten years, the AOB has the statutory mandate to monitor public and private institutions where persons are or can be deprived of their liberty. In 2022, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic decreased noticeably and the NPM carried out almost 500 visits throughout Austria.    

You can find the English version of both reports in the download section below.


Source: The Austrian Ombudsman Board

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