Malawi | Call for senior experts to support consultancy project

The Office of the Ombudsman of Malawi contacted the IOI to ask for its support in finding experts who can take on the consultancy in a project funded by the European Union.

The so-called “Chilungamo Programme”, builds on former efforts from the Democratic Governance Programme (DGP) which aimed at improving democratic governance by ensuring justice for all in Malawi via a more effective and responsive judiciary and improved accountability and oversight.  

The overall objective of the Chilungamo Programme is to contribute to an accountable government in Malawi, informed democratic choices and the effective delivery of justice. The purpose is to strengthen democratic governance, to enhance transparency and to hold duty-bearers to account.

The Office of the Ombudsman of Malawi is now looking for one senior expert, who will be asked to review a draft management study report prepared by the Department of Human Resource Management and Development and other previous studies and prepare an optimum and fit for purpose best practice proposal for the Office’s organizational and functional structure. For more details, please see the Terms of Reference further below.

Interested parties are kindly asked to contact Mr Alinafe Malunga from the Office of the Ombudsman of Malawi and provide their CV and application as soon as possible but no later than 10 August 2018.


Source: Office of the Ombudsman, Malawi

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