Throughout 2011, the Síndic de Greuges’s (Catalan Ombudsman’s) activities were especially marked by the financial downturn and budget cutbacks derived from it. The Catalan Ombudsman’s Office has worked throughout 2011 to achieve greater efficiency, while still vying to be more effective. Along these lines, the budget that the Catalan Ombudsman sent to the Parliament of Catalonia in 2011 featured a reduction of over 10%. Following the same rationale, the Ombudsman’s office has drawn up its 2012 budget with another reduction, in this case, nearly 12%.
‘With this decision, we have sought to show that it is possible and necessary to embrace criteria of responsible budgeting, while also maintaining and enhancing the discipline and quality of our actions’ reports Ombudsman Rafael Ribó. The Ombudsman also takes the opportunity to remind the Catalan government and parliament of the need to be more cautious in their budget cuts. And most especially, to be more cautious when setting priorities that prevent these cutbacks from affecting social rights and the universal nature of the protection systems in place today
Please find the Annual Report as download below