Spain | Catalan Ombudsman publishes 2021 Annual Report

The Catalan Ombudsman has published the 2021 Annual Report which includes all the activity carried out by the institution and highlights the most significant actions for each area in a year marked again by different waves of the Covid-19 pandemic, with the consequent effects not only on the healthcare system, but on a wide range of rights and the economic activity of the country.

Both this year’s data and much of the substantive issues addressed in this report are influenced by this ongoing exceptional situation. The year 2021 also ended with the announcement of the agreement of the main political forces represented in the Parliament of Catalonia to renew the statutory institutions, including the head of the Catalan Ombudsman, as the current head has been demanding since 2019.

The Annual Report is available in the download section below, or here.


Source: Office of the Catalan Ombudsman, Spain

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