SPAIN / CATALONIA | Catalan Ombudsman publishes monthly Newsletter

In the May 2015 Newsletter, among other topics, the Catalan Ombudsman requests the European bodies to fight against the failure in guaranteeing the rights of the LGBTI community. In regard of the Crisis in the Mediterranean Sea, the Catalan Ombudsman urges the public authorities to act.

Following the recent ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union which gives green light to ban homosexuals from giving blood, the Catalan Ombudsman has requested the intervention of the European Parliament, the European Ombudsman and the European Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe. Rafael Ribó has also addressed the Catalan Government to learn about the protocols established to donate blood and which are the exclusion criteria, being such criteria either permanent or temporary.

In regard of the Crisis in the Mediterranean Sea, the Catalan Ombudsman urges the public authorities to act as a result of the serious humanitarian crisis involving the death of thousands of immigrants. Rafael Ribó demands, by means of a declaration, more resources and action by the European Union and all the governments involved to put an end to the severe humanitarian crisis which is causing the death of thousands of immigrants in the Mediterranean area. The Catalan Ombudsman requests also to the institutions for the defence of rights their involvement in order to provide solutions, to prevent future tragedies and to put an end to the causes of this humanitarian crisis. He also appeals to a major pedagogical effort by the public authorities to raise awareness and involvement of the population in collective responsibilities.

To read the full Newsletter, please visit the website of the Catalan Ombudsman.


Source: Catalan Ombudsman, Spain


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