SPAIN/CATALONIA | Catalan Ombudsman, Rafael Ribó, gives up his right to parliamentary immunity

The Catalan Ombudsman informed the President of the Parliament of Catalonia, Núria de Gispert, about his decision to give up his right to parliamentary immunity. Such a privilege is granted by Law 36/1985, of 6 November, by which the relations between the Spanish Ombudsman and other similar figures in the different regions are regulated.

The Catalan Ombudsman will also inform the President of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy and the President of the Spanish Parliament, Jesús Posada, about his resignation to the aforementioned right, in order for them to give notice to parliamentary groups, and, where appropriate, ask for a relevant legislative reform to be initiated.

Rafael Ribó has decided to give up his privilege as a follow up to some media reports about the announcement of the President of the Spanish Government to consider a possible reduction of the officials covered by this privilege. The Catalan Ombudsman has taken this step to be consistent with such a positive and exemplary measure such as the abolition of the parliamentary immunity for all institutional posts provided for in the constitutional system.


Souce: Ombudsman of Catalonia, Spain

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