WORLD | Celebrating women leaders in Ombudsman and oversight

The Chief Public Complaints Commissioner and Ombudsman of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is pleased to announce the online gallery of women leaders in Ombudsman and oversight institutions.

Women have and continue to make immense contributions towards the development and impact of Ombudsman and related oversight institutions.

The first International Ombud Expo, which was hosted in Abuja in October 2019, included a special event dedicated to showcase through pictures the contributions of women leaders in these institutions. This has now been developed into a permanent online gallery of about 400 women leaders in Ombudsman and oversight institutions, past and present, from across the world over the last two hundred years. You are invited to explore this pictorial compendium of women leaders in Ombudsman and oversight institutions.

The Ombuds Women Gallery is under continuous development. Please feel free to share your feedback and/or additional information, in particular picture(s) and profiles (name, position and dates, country) of women leaders and deputy heads of Ombudsman and oversight institutions, past and present, missing in the directory presently. You can easily send your suggestions and attachments via the links provided in the gallery cover page.


Source: Office of the Public Complaints Commissioner, Nigeria

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