MACEDONIA | Celebration of 25th Jubilee from adoption of Convention of the Rights of the Child

„On the 25th year from the adoption of the Convention on the rights of the child ratified by the Republic of Macedonia, we must go back and talk about the situation with the rights of the child then and today. It is an un-doubtful fact that 25 years ago the situation with the rights of the child was much worse. Almost no one thought of the child as a carrier of rights and obligations. Today, the changes and the efforts to improve the rights of the child are visible, the efforts for greater respect of the child are visible, but it is also visible that there are still unresolved problems that the youngsters in the society face“.

This among other was said by the Deputy Ombudsman Ms Vaska Bajramovska-Mustafa during the celebration of the 25th year from the adoption of the Convention on the rights of the child, hosted in Skopje by the UNICEF Office in Macedonia and the Ombudsman of the Republic of Macedonia

At the celebration the new interactive online game about the Convention on the rights of the child was promoted. The game was produced by the UNICEF Office in cooperation with the Ombudsman. Through this game in an entertaining and educative process, the children can learn about their rights and the mechanisms for their protection.

In an interactive way the game has for its aim to develop the conscious of the children from the age of 8 to 12 about their rights, at the same time to serve as a tool for teachers when similar topics would be taught. 


Source: Ombudsman of the Republic of Macedonia

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