NIGERIA | Chief Nigerian Ombudsman bows out of office

On 5 July 2024, the Honourable Chief Commissioner, Public Complaints Commission, Hon. Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf has bowed out of Office in grand style after completing his statutory three years in Office.

Speaking at the send off event in Abuja to mark his last day in office, the outgoing Chief Commissioner thanked the management and Staff of the Commission for giving him the necessary support to succeed. He urged the Staff to keep working hard in order for the Commission to succeed.

The outgoing Chief Commissioner said, with all the experience he had gathered while in office, he will be working from behind especially in the area of finances to make sure the Commission is well funded.

Earlier, in her opening remarks, the Secretary to the Commission, Hajia Salamatu Jummai Mamman thanked the Chief Commissioner for taking the Commission to a greater height and making it more visible saying, “he will be greatly missed”.

Hajiya Salamatu Mamman reeled out some of the achievements recorded by the outgoing Chief Commissioner which included; securing and renovating the Commission’s Offices, purchasing of office equipment and operational vehicles, training of staff, creating the Enforcement Unit and establishing the Ombudsman Radio among others.

She most importantly noted that during the tenure of the Chief Commissioner, the Commission had received, 841,026 complaints, resolved 556,113 complaints while 284,114 are pending.

Other highlights of the occasion were the cutting of cake, a toast to good life and success, group photographs as well as good will messages from the former Senate Committee Chairman on Public Petition, Senator Ayo Akinyelure, House Committee Chairman on Public Petition, Hon. Mike Etaba, PCC FCT Commissioner, Hon. Ezekiel Dalhatu, and both Staff and family members of the Chief Commissioner.

It will be recalled that the former Chief Commissioner along with other thirty seven State Commissioners including the FCT, were inaugurated on 5th of July, 2021 for a three year term in Office. Before his appointment as the Chief Ombudsman, Honourable Abimbola Ayo Yusuf had earlier served as the Commissioner of the Lagos State Office of Public Complaints Commission.


Source: Public Complaints Commission, Nigeria

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