NEW ZEALAND | Chief Ombudsman concludes investigation into council decisions over National Erebus Memorial

The Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier has completed his investigation into complaints about Auckland Council’s role in the National Erebus Memorial project.

The complaints relate to the council’s approval and consents process for the memorial site in Dove-Meyer Robinson Park and are centred on the council’s decision not to notify the resource consent application and for granting a building consent at the pre-consenting stage.

Complainants were also concerned about consultation carried out by council officials on behalf of the Waitematā Local Board before it endorsed the project. They also alleged that the council was biased towards the project’s leader, Manatū Taonga, the Ministry of Culture and Heritage.

On Monday 20 March 2023, Mr Boshier has released his final opinion on the complaints and has found that in two respects the council acted unreasonably.

For reading the full article with the findings of the Chief Ombdsman kindly click here


Source: The Office of the National Ombudsman of New Zealand

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