CANADA/NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR | Citizens’ Representative assumes responsibility for whistleblower investigations

On July 1 2014 the province of Newfoundland and Labrador proclaimed the Public Interest Disclosure and Whistleblower Protection Act in effect. The Office of the Citizens' Representative (the OCR) is now responsible for investigating disclosures made under the Act. The OCR has updated its website to provide practical information about the investigation of public interest disclosures and the protections from reprisals for whistleblowers.

The updated website contains a fact sheet outlining answers to frequently asked questions about the program. The website also contains:

  • Information about the OCR;
  • A link to applicable legislation;
  • Definitions for wrongdoing and reprisals;
  • The OCR process for investigating complaints;
  • The factors the OCR will consider in assessing complaints of gross mismanagement;
  • Forms for those wishing to obtain advice about the program or anyone wanting to file a complaint.

Source: Citizens' Representative of Newfoundland and Labrador, CANADA

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